We open Season 6 by looking back at a momentous summer, looking forward to the upcoming season, and sharing how we keep our special family memories alive when the routines and challenges of family life try to steal them away!
We open Season 6 by looking back at a momentous summer, looking forward to the upcoming season, and sharing how we keep our special family memories alive when the routines and challenges of family life try to steal them away!
The Family Business is back in business for Season 6 - and a LOT has happened since the Alessis last stepped into the podcast booth.
The Alessis welcomed a brand new baby / grandson (Marino), celebrated their first grandbaby's first birthday (Gianna), discovered that there will be a THIRD new Alessi baby in December...all in the midst of a lot of renovation and re-adjustments in their church and personal lives.
In the midst of all that excitement and stress, it's easy to forget the precious moments and memories being made - and that's not good for any family.
Listen in as Steve and Mary Alessi help you protect the precious family memories that makes life special from the stress of everyday life, AND give you a sneak peek at all the powerful conversations coming your way in Season 6!
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Steve Alessi:
Hello and welcome to another episode of the family business with the Alessi's. I'm Steve Alessi and I'm here with Mary Alessi.
Mary Alessi:
It's good to be back.
Steve Alessi:
It is. This is the start of a brand new season. It's exciting. We have done very well on our podcast, but today we start season number six. And this is pretty exciting. We have over 130 episodes. I'm sorry, 120 episodes Pretty much already recorded and, interestingly, alan Paul was letting us know that the average podcast is only seven episodes in, and then they quit recording it. Babe, we've done over 120.
Mary Alessi:
And we're in the top 2%, I think, worldwide, worldwide, of podcasts, just because we've hung in there.
Steve Alessi:
We have a lot to say. Well, the tagline is two parts Ready one the family business podcast. It's important because family is a buddy's business, and the second is because we're pastors. We're talking about things here that we can't talk about on Sundays.
Mary Alessi:
So we do have a lot to talk about. And we have four kids and two in law kids who help us. At certain times They'll come in the studio and they help us. We've all got lots to say. We're a bunch of talkers in this family.
Steve Alessi:
As of this recording, we have two healthy breathing out of the womb grandchildren and one healthy breathing in the womb on the way.
Mary Alessi:
By Christmas of 2023, we will have three grandchildren. It went from 2020 to 2023. We had two kids married and three grandbabies. That's how fast life can change on you. Life is the sweetest I think it's ever been.
Steve Alessi:
As we start this podcast, this particular episode, we want to thank everybody for dialing in, staying with us, listening in. We've got over a thousand subscribers. Right now. We want to ask you to go out and continue to promote what the family business podcast is doing for you. Let your friends know about it, let your family know, share this with others, get them to go ahead and sign up and join us and be a part of it. Thank you Just thank you for subscribing. Yeah, doing that, be a subscriber with us. Let's just continue to get the podcast out there. We want to help and encourage as many people as possible, whether they are members of this church family that Mary and I are blessed to be able to pastor, or you've got friends, you've got your own community out there. This is just something about the family that's helping you, because what we have learned and your responses has been this is cool, mary, that a lot of you are interested in dealing with conflicts in the family, because we live in such a conflicted culture today. Everything is so fighting, it's infighting, it's going after somebody who's messed up. I mean, I heard the other day that Tesla owners are getting upset and they don't want to buy Teslas anymore, all because they don't like Elon Musk oh, brother, and because his views have become whatever they are and he's put them out there, more talking about his personal views. Now people are saying forget Teslas, I'm not going to get a Tesla anymore. Now, it just so happens to be and, by the way, I say all that to say that's just the result of the cancel culture. It is. That's how far it goes, that you're willing to not buy a beautiful car that you like, all because you don't like the president, a founder of the organization. Even if we did that with all the other brands, I mean we wouldn't have Apple. No, because Steve Jobs was a little out there. And if you got upset with that and they're very liberal in their approach what would you do? Not buy an Apple. So it just shows you how radical people are today In conflict.
Mary Alessi:
In conflict.
Steve Alessi:
Yes, and why talking about family issues and how we resolve them, deal with them even our own conflicts and setting up boundaries and how important that is, it resonates because we're right there and you can live this life and still enjoy your life. You don't have to get caught up in all the chaos.
Mary Alessi:
Well, I think we're also. We say we're a cancel culture. We are an opinionated culture. We told ourselves over the last what 10 years with social media that we all have an opinion and we have a right to say it. We are not the humble generation. We all think that because we have a platform and a microphone with our phones, that we have a right to say what we think. And we haven't even vetted what we think. We don't even know what we're talking about, and so you know that trickles down to our relationships. So it has to. You know that's real world problems in your home, in your family, and that we've, we've seen with our podcasts. The number one, the top three listened to are the ones that deal with toxic family members and relationships, how to manage those, and maybe we need to talk even more about that again in the future. I know we've been asked to because that is definitely a very difficult topic and if you've got a family member, just one, that's toxic, they can ruin every holiday, every time the family's trying to get together and just overall bring so much stress. And we're finding it more and more because I think of the culture we live in, we're not we are not by nature more principled, whether you're a Christian or not, to say I need to bring something to my family and not always bring conflict to my family, Like it's our right to do that now, because we're going to say what we want to say, Because we have an opinion, and who are they to tell us, and this is what I believe, instead of going? This is what I believe, but I'm not going to bring conflict to my family. I'm going to bring respect because my boomer parents don't agree with that, Right, but no, it's just whatever you think, whatever you believe, you have a right to say and that's wrong.
Steve Alessi:
Yeah Well, big shout out to the staff. They've created a new layout in our podcast.
Mary Alessi:
We have a new set.
Steve Alessi:
Now it feels like it's a podcast living room I love it. We're sitting here, we've got our coffee and Alan Paul made our coffee. What are they? Coasters, coasters, coffee Coasters Really cool family Coasters.
Mary Alessi:
Look at that which do we sell these right?
Steve Alessi:
No, they were made.
Mary Alessi:
We do not sell them, do not, do not ask for them.
Steve Alessi:
Sorry. So nice, nice warm atmosphere here with our coffee and being able to talk Interestingly. We're going to get into talking about our summer for a minute, but before we do, here's what I'd like our audience to know about. We're moving into a new season and there's some great topics we're going to hit.
Mary Alessi:
Steve Alessi:
One of them. I like this. It's helping navigate the seasons of the solo nesters of our parents, Our parents getting older, All the kids are out of the house, Even their adult kids and grandkids. They all have their own little life. How do we help mom and dad, our parents, the grandparents, how do we help them and take care of them?
Mary Alessi:
And it's so interesting because you mean like our elderly parents? Yeah, good, we need to talk about that because we're right in the middle of that Right in the middle, I was just showing you texts before we started about. I'm getting texts from her too.
Steve Alessi:
Your mom sending me pictures. She's in the middle of a new building project in her backyard with her.
Mary Alessi:
Just tell her get your own husband.
Steve Alessi:
No, stop it. She's right, she went through two. What are you talking about, steve? Wow, and so that's good. We're going to be talking about that because we are in a generation where the grandparents are older and thank God they're around, and today happens to be the anniversary, the 60th anniversary of my mom and dad's marriage. Actually, I think it's 66 anniversary of my mom and dad's marriage and, of course, dad passed a couple of years ago. So what did I do today to make sure mom's taken care of as she woke up knowing, hey, the man that she spent all those years with is no longer there? So, besides sending her plant, which we did, to help green up her place. What else are we doing to help during these seasons for our parents? So that's good. It's also when we're going to be talking about how to juggle grandparenting with our own parenting, because we have our kids that we want to spend time with, and their kids now our grandchildren. And how do we then bring the grandparents into that whole scenario, who are becoming a little bit like kids. Yeah, yeah, and you want them when you're around them, you want them to have as much attention as possible. But you've got kids that now get all the attention on their kids the grandkids so we'll talk about that. We'll also talk about how anxiety and depression affect children. Now. We're in a different world today, where that is becoming more. You see it happening more and more.
Mary Alessi:
I want to say something to that really quick because I recently did that crypto chamber thing where you go in and it's like an ice room and you go in for three minutes and it helps you, and the technician in there was telling me that many of their clients are children who deal with anxiety issues and they put them in there to help bring down their anxiety, to get them off medication. I couldn't imagine, because it was so cold. I was like I can't handle it, but she said no, a lot of their clients are, so that's a big issue. Today, parents are looking for natural, holistic remedies for their children with anxiety and find out what's the root cause of that.
Steve Alessi:
Yeah, we'll be talking about how to control your emotions during a difficult conversation. You know we talk about hammer it out. You got to get together and work it out. How does that happen and not allow your emotions to get caught up in it and lose it? Hey, we're going to be talking about this. There's a forgotten word and an issue in our society today, and it's modesty. Oh, let's talk about it. Come on, we've raised three daughters yeah, excuse me and all of them protect themselves at all times. Modesty, we'll be talking about that. How about financially supporting parents, grandparents, when you're teaching kids enough is enough in life, and your adult kids, you know, helping them.
Mary Alessi:
Where does the money go to the family members?
Steve Alessi:
Yeah, I think Stephanie said it so well you know our first year of marriage. If you're like, okay, now that you're married, you got to go to Europe Right, and it took us 10 years to get to Europe Right.
Mary Alessi:
More Because we had to save our money. Yeah.
Steve Alessi:
Instead of renting, we own our own house.
Mary Alessi:
We were of the generation that European trips were what you did when you retired. Yeah, you had to wait until you retired, or you know, like a 25th wedding anniversary for you and like that, right, yeah, and that's not the case anymore. No, they're doing it as young as they can and put it out there on social media Right away, like they're all going to die if they don't have enough money.
Steve Alessi:
I know they're going to die. That's true. We'll be looking at some cultural issues like abortion yeah, and you and your sister were able to film a great couple of podcasts on that. Plus, we have a young lady, christine Martínez-.
Mary Alessi:
Martínez Squires.
Steve Alessi:
Squires, david Amore Martínez's daughter, who is an attorney, and the Lord just put her in the right place to help with what's happening in that environment. So we have that We'll be talking about. We'll talk about even let me see balancing of your kids, their hobbies, school, their sports, and making sure, as a parent, we're not living through them. Yeah, hey, how about manners? We'll actually talk about manners. We're going to talk about manners, that's good. Yeah, this will be a good one so money. Respect. We talked about that, conflicts with parents that have conflicts and conflicting kids, that relationship, how to resolve it, and just even asking some of you to send us your questions constantly sending us your questions because we want to be able to answer some of the questions that you have. So there's some things that are out there in this coming season that we're pretty excited about. That will lead us into the holidays, and the holidays are always fun. But, mary, let's talk about our summer. We just come out of the summer Right now. What do you remember about this summer? Oh my.
Mary Alessi:
God, I'm trying to remember all that we did, because we did so much that it all becomes a jumbled mess. But we had a grandson. He came two weeks early. We were not prepared and we had a grandson. Rachelle, our daughter-in-law was just such a trooper and a hero and pushed that baby out, and he's the cutest thing. And Christopher has lost his mind. Our son is not who he was before because he has this little boy now. That is just stolen his heart and he and Rachelle are doing such a great job. So that's fun to watch that. It's also fun to watch Stephanie be pregnant again with her second baby, who is also a little boy. And then, of course, gianna is just the center of all of our lives because she's saying our names and finding who her favorites are and using us all, and we love it. We love every minute of it. But we've done a lot.
Steve Alessi:
We had a dream about her the other day, actually talking to you.
Mary Alessi:
I had a dream that she looked up at me. I was eating ice cream and she goes Mia, can I have some? And I almost fell out of my chair. I mean she's 15 months, 16 months, but she's right there, so that's really fun and to just see the family continue to grow. We're in a remodel, We've been remodeling all our properties. And that has been. We both have thrown our backs out. I overcame a fractured wouldn't, call it humorous bone. It wasn't funny. Ha ha, bon up bon. And we've just been. We've shown our age in the summer too. So it's been a lot, it's been a lot.
Steve Alessi:
What else? My back situation happened like in February, so I didn't show my age this summer.
Mary Alessi:
Well, this year. Then how about that Hell that? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Mine all happened at one time, my gosh, the day you released your 42 book. That day we were all in the office filming it opening the boxes. I walked out I was on the phone with my doctor, tripped on my shoe, slammed into a wall and fractured my humorous, and it took me like 12 weeks to recover. So just in time for a little Moreno to be born, which, by the way, our son and daughter in law named their son Moreno. I'll let you guess why. So just. What, what, what, 32. Good night.
Steve Alessi:
Mary Alessi:
He's a cutie pie, so it's just been extremely eventful.
Steve Alessi:
Well, you mentioned the housing situation. We have been on or in hotels for the last two and a half months, going on three months, yeah, three months now. And we used all of our Marriott Bonvoy Went through all of them. And some American Express miles, all of those things we have pretty much eaten up, but that you know what. Here's something that happened, and I think this happens in life. Okay, that you have so many challenges that go on. So during the summer you're supposed to relax right From Memorial Day to Labor Day. That's when you can wear white, because after Labor Day you can't wear white anymore. Oh, I'm wearing white pants and then you pack in a lot of your getaway time, hopefully memory making time, like the Bernaldo family. Like they do it right, they vacation right. And then they come back and just makes you feel like man. I'm a loser when it comes to vacation planning. They're amazing at it, but you're supposed to do that during the summer, right. And then you do it during the summer and it's like any other high that goes on in your life, like graduation, for instance, for young kids. They graduate from college or high school and then they immediately get caught up in the next season. The problem with getting caught up in your next season is you miss out on the memories and making that season that you just walked out of. You miss out on keeping that alive because something else gets your attention. So, for instance, I'm looking at my photo feed a little bit ago and I'm just dealing with all the challenges that come up with our job and our home. Because we don't have a place to go home to, I'm wearing the same underwear like three days in a row because I don't have a washer machine and I only have so many underwear that I have on me and packed away. So we're living out of suitcases and I'm going through my photo feed of all the different things that we're dealing with and dog on it. The baby's picture showed up, marino's birth showed up and I had for a minute to actually ask myself that happened this summer. I know Crazy Mary, I know, but something so beautiful that only happens once in that kid's lifetime, yeah, so memorable for all of us, so memorable for Rachelle and Christopher and the whole family, that that could be overshadowed by some of the challenges that you face. It's so true, and I think today's podcast needs to be this how do we capture those memories that we made over the summer, those experiences, and not let them drift away because of some of the present issues we could be dealing with?
Mary Alessi:
Yeah, and that's really easy to do because we just, you know my mother used to say to us all the time you're burning the candle at both ends, You're burning the candle at both ends. And you know, I thought that was something that you only do when you're young. But man, it can be something. It's a habit that if you don't break it, you're always just taking on more and more and more and not stopping along the way to process and to really take in all the good things that have happened. And it's so easy to do because we set our expectation so high of things we think we need to achieve or we need to get done, that the important stuff that mattered more is lost. And I'm glad you said that about the baby, because it's not easy juggling this season with so much on our plates with, you know, adult kids, two living at the house, two married, you know, two grandkids coming with the pressures of the church, even this podcast, even keeping up with his podcast. But I think one of the things that helps us slow down is recognition of that, is stopping and going. Wait a minute, that matters more than this Making sure that our grandson, our first born grandson, our namesake, we give not just time and attention, but we stop and we really take in the moment and not run off to the very next thing. We leave the hospital and running off to the next thing and I think we can. We're all prone to do that and I hate to use the word selfish, because it doesn't seem like it's selfish, but it kind of is because we're not stopping and thinking about what matters the most right now. What matters the most is that we gave so much time and attention to Chris and Stephanie when they had Gianna. We need to do the same with now Moreno and Christopher and Rochelle. This is this is important. It's where the value of our family is, Not all these other things, and we have to remind each other all the time and not get defensive of it, and certainly not put it on the back burner of, well, I've got my life and I've got this. No, we are all about the illesy family. That's our core value, and so we have to stop and make sure that we appreciate the moments along the way.
Steve Alessi:
The benefit of getting older is wisdom Right. Wisdom looks at what happens over the past and learns from the mistakes of yesterday, absolutely, and so on. Right, yeah. And wisdom would tell us as we get older, which should kick in is that you have an on and off switch. Right, you need to know when to turn the switch on and then you need to know when to turn it off.
Mary Alessi:
Turn it off Absolutely.
Steve Alessi:
And here we were so caught up in some great memories over the summer because we were able to get away and we were able to do some things local. But to think that those would be the on switch that kept me my attention so focused on those things that I almost forgot that we had a baby and a lessee namesake at the beginning of the summer, and the way that all worked out. I mean, it jumped up on us. The kids were supposed to go two more weeks and all of a sudden, the Sunday morning we're getting ready for work, for church, and he calls you and says he's coming and we ended up getting the whole family to be at the hospital. We were so blessed with our church leadership. They stepped in. They let the whole family be there that morning, so that meant we didn't have to have our posts covered personally. We got somebody to cover it for us and we were all there together. It was such a magic moment for us, and yet it fades away so fast.
Mary Alessi:
Yes fades away, and we were. We celebrated that moment so big. We all wore merino jerseys and the staff at the hospital just couldn't believe it. We had such an incredible experience and I'll let Chris and Rochelle share it. But even how God stepped in and just you know, it was just amazing. It was such an incredible thing and you think that will never leak out, you'll never forget, you will always tell that story and it's incredible how the avalanche of stuff can come in your life right on the heels of that, and the thing that really brought you the most joy and the most significant thing in your life is legacy can be literally drowned in that avalanche of just stuff.
Steve Alessi:
Yeah and baby, your kids are going to either make or break you yeah they're either going to make you the happiest parents in the world or they're going to break your heart and if they break your heart. You're, you're just. We're going to live with a ton of regret. So yeah we go through these summers, our listeners go through these summers. Let's not move too quickly into the next right and and forget about all the fun, right and memories. Look at those pictures on your phone again. Go ahead and print them, put them in a frame, put them somewhere so that you could go back and say, yeah, I remember that that was beautiful.
Mary Alessi:
You know one of the families in our church. They were here. We were working here at the church last night. They were gone for two months at their house in Georgia and I said, how was it? Because they have two kids, it's just the four of them. I said, how was the? You know, two months away? And she goes. Well, the first eight weeks six to eight weeks family was there. We just in and out. All the different family members were coming and staying, and the last three weeks was just the four of them and the two kids started to complain a little bit. Well, who's coming next? And the dad said to them no, the most important thing is the four of us. You've got to learn to just be with the us four and enjoy that and love that and cherish that. And I thought you know that's. That's a wise father to say that more than they even realize now because their kids are little, they don't even realize how wise that is. To say we can't create all this excitement and energy around you. You're going to get addicted to it when, the truth is, what matters the most is not the crowd, it's not the busy, it's not the. The next new fun thing, it's the settling in being quiet, being with your you know immediate family members and just enjoying the precious memories that, as you said, when you get older you get wiser and we know now how fleeting it is, how fast it goes.
Steve Alessi:
Yeah, cherish those moments can I mention something right there about the brothers, the siblings? We went through a season of that. They needed outside right friends to be there and what we tried to do was say then wait a minute, because we saw it. They need to like hanging out with each other absolutely they need to realize that those siblings that you're in relationship with they're they're with you the rest of your life some of your friends and your kids. Friends that they have today could be gone tomorrow, that's right. Maybe a parent gets transferred out of town and they, the kid, moves, and that relationship isn't there regularly, right? So you need to have that relationship with your siblings and it's great for parents to be able to say no, no, let's chill with each other. Yeah, I know they're going to give you pushback because they want the excitement and the stimulation of other friends being around, or they're going to get on their phone and even though the friends aren't there, the friends will be there, right. But it's great to be able to say no, let's hang together, go back and think about your summer experiences, right, and and and recall and reflect on and keep them alive, remind your kids so true about it. It's very true. Hey, it costs you money, right, my gosh? Just don't let the next thing come up that takes your attention away. It was a wonderful investment that you made in your family.
Mary Alessi:
Keep that in front of the family even if you fought all summer with your kids. Yeah, because it was a hard one. Make it the summer to remember. That's funny because I can tell you the times that we'd go on summer vacation with our, with the six of us, and we didn't have been a family fight or something would happen to this day some of our favorite stories to talk about is the one we were floating down the itchy tutney river. Well, I'm not going to go into the details. I'll let the kids tell that I'm sorry I got to cross my leg this way but that was one of the funniest memories. But as a family, in that moment I just wanted to pack up and go home.
Steve Alessi:
Yeah, and sometimes I wanted to drown stefanie.
Mary Alessi:
You wanted to kill her, so it was me and stefanie it was really you and stef, the two hotheads in the family, but, um, but now, looking back, what we thought was ruined oh my god, it was ruined. It wasn't ruined. What we learned from those horrible arguments and fights and paying all this money for these trips? And now we're all mad at each other and don't even want to look at each other. Now, looking back, and as time went on I mean we've told this story before it turned out to be the most memorable because we laughed and laughed at how dumb we all acted and we moved on from it. But so maybe you didn't have the best summer with your kids. It was a transitional one. Listen, when they start getting older and those hormones kick in. Oh, you won't forget those summers. Yeah, but make them funny. Yeah, because you were together. Yeah, I mean there's a lot of people who don't have family, a nucleus of family mom, dad and kids, you know so. So many people are split up and they can't enjoy life like that and that's really hard yeah so, if you have that, don't run so quickly away from the experiences you had this summer to jump back into your work or to jump back into your life or your own desires or your own dreams and career. Don't do that. Yeah, because we know it, this season of our life, what matters the most, what we value the most, is not job, it's not career, it's not this podcast booth, it's our family. Yeah, matters the most and our time spent with them.
Steve Alessi:
When we were in our condo in Stuart a couple weeks or last week actually, I was, something was going down, it was getting dark and I walked to the back of our unit because we're doing some work on it and I'm looking at the glass and everything and I'm looking at all the other units to what their back windows look like. I want to make sure ours matches and everything. And I came around and I got to where my mom's unit is Now. Mom has a unit she's 16, ours is number seven and it all surrounds the little deck, the pool and all that. So when I'm in my backyard I can look over and see her. And she didn't have her shutters up because she went through a whole remodel this summer as well at her place, so she has nothing blocking seeing in. No, no, no shades, no curtains, no shutters, and it was just dark enough to where I could see into her room, oh boy and into her living room, and she's on the second floor. There. It's going to make me cry and I'm looking at her and she's by herself, yeah, and I thought wow, and I waited to see what she would do and I just look at her and she sat there. She was on the couch and she was watching TV and I saw her hand move so I thought, okay, she's awake, she's not napping, she's awake. But she was content, yeah, and is is kind of rocking as it was for me to think, oh, it's so sad she's alone. You know she was content and we know my mom. She loves being with us, she loves being around people, but she also loves her alone. She loves her alone time or quiet, absolutely. She loves to read on her iPad and she loves to binge all kinds of movies that she always tells us about. But looking at her alone up there, I thought, you know, I want to be there one day where I'm content, right, with all the good that the Lord has provided in my life, and even if no one's around, I'm not needing noise, right, I'm not needing others to come around.
Mary Alessi:
The next thing, yeah.
Steve Alessi:
I'm not needing that next thing, right, and as we go through our lives, that becomes more and more important.
Mary Alessi:
Steve Alessi:
Because, baby, you just can't stay on that treadmill every day.
Mary Alessi:
Steve Alessi:
And trying to make it happen.
Mary Alessi:
Steve Alessi:
Trying to make the next gig possible.
Mary Alessi:
We see how it's, how it's affecting a society, because you, you miss out on those special moments you do, you do and you know.
Steve Alessi:
What brings contentment is being able to look back over those special moments and say those were great and remember them.
Mary Alessi:
I love them yes.
Steve Alessi:
And reflect on them.
Mary Alessi:
Steve Alessi:
And not let the stress and the pressure and the problems and the next thing Right. And you have to pay attention to your attention so much that you forget those were beautiful and those beautiful moments added to me and my life. So it's important to reflect over what this summer meant to you and all your beautiful vacations, or even the fights, and bring them to your kids. Attention Right. Make it dinner conversation, be intentional when you're in the car and remember when we did that. Remember when we went to the beach, remember when we pulled over and we ate at that restaurant. Bring those things back to remembrance so that even your kids are able to hold on to those special memories. Yeah, because a new school year, new friends, all of that's going to pull them right out of it, absolutely Real quick. New problems, new peer pressure, new issues with grades. It's going to pull them right back out of that and they'll forget about those special moments that were so unique to you and your family.
Mary Alessi:
I agree, and don't let all the busyness of life rob you from the things that matter the most, and that is the special times you have with each other.
Steve Alessi:
Well, we hope you enjoyed this episode of the family business with the Alessi's, mary and I sitting here in our new podcast booth. We love it, loving it with our coffee, coffee mugs, everything Alessi family business. The only thing I miss in here is an ashtray. What, wow. It'd be great to be able to have a cigar right here, oh no. Let me do it, because it'll stink up her hair. Thanks for joining and watching. Pass this on to others. If you love what you heard, love what you witnessed, go ahead and subscribe and then share this with your friends. Thanks for joining us.
Chris Alessi:
Third, go to alesifamilybusinesscom and tap the ask the Alessi's button. This is really cool. You can use it to record a voicemail, comment or question and we can add your voice to our conversations. Finally, while you're on our page, tap the reviews tab and you'll see a link to leave a review on Apple podcasts. We love reading your reviews and we might even share them on the show. Thanks again for joining us and we'll see you next time at the family business with the Alessi's, because family is everybody's business.