Does the dream of home ownership feel out of reach for your family? In this extremely informative episode, Chris Muiña sits down with his father-in-law Steve Alessi to tackle the big question: should you buy a home or rent in today's tough economy?
Does the dream of home ownership feel out of reach for your family?
In this extremely informative episode, Chris Muiña sits down with his father-in-law Steve Alessi to tackle the big question: should you buy a home or rent in today's tough economy?
You'll get generational support, financial prep, and biblical insights as you hear shares personal experiences and practical advice on stepping up the property ladder.
You'll see why owning can shift your mindset and how incremental growth in real estate can solidify your financial future.
With real-world examples, tips on creative financing, and a perspective shift from renting to owning, you’ll get inspired to start small and aim big. Steve and Christopher, a South Florida realtor, break down why investing in your future now—rather than waiting for the perfect moment—is crucial.
Whether you're nurturing a temporary rental or edging toward that dream home, this episode arms you with actionable tips that will help you make the right decision for your family!
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00:00:00.320 --> 00:00:11.460
So you came over the house. Were you nervous? I mean, because I'm nervous the the normal nervous. I was 30 years old too. So You've had some practice, you made?
00:00:22.653 --> 00:01:22.519
Hello, and welcome to another episode of the family business with the Alessis, where family is everybody's business. I'm Steve Alessi, and I'm glad you're with us. And today, I have in the podcast booth a family member, my son-in-law, Chris Muina. It's great to have you today, Chris. Thank you, pastor. It's been a little bit, but I'm glad to be back in here talking about relevant, interesting topics that Yeah. I hope our audience can can appreciate. Yeah. And they will. The on this one, as we were preparing ourselves for this, we thought this would be a great, subject to tackle because we have so many young couples, so many marrieds that are looking to what do I own a house of my own or do I rent a house? And so you're a realtor, super proud of you. You went out, got your realtor's license this year. You didn't sit on your hands and just, okay.
00:01:22.519 --> 00:02:00.719
I'm doing ministry and part of the church family here. No. You're, an entrepreneur in your own right, and you like going out, getting your hands dirty because you're also a builder, a woodworker, all those good things that I like about you plus being a hunter. Has nothing to do with marrying my daughter, but all those other things I think you're pretty cool at. Thank you. Alright. So we're gonna talk about what it is, how important it is, you know, to choose a home. And, but a lot of young couples or couples out there, they're saying, man, I just can't afford to own a home.
00:02:00.939 --> 00:02:34.125
So I'm really happy with renting. It's the only thing that I can do. So before we get into this, I guess, ultimately, what we're gonna try to accomplish today is having an ownership mindset as opposed to just a renting mindset because the renting seems to be the easy path to take. So just before we get into the nuts and bolts of this, what what's your thought on that? Is it better to rent? Is it better to own? Just off the top. Well, personally, I believe it's better to own.
00:02:34.745 --> 00:02:52.580
Renting's okay. We can get into that a little bit later, but renting's okay for a time period. But if you can own own, your mindset is totally different, how you take care of the things you have. I was just sharing with you yesterday. We got out of our lease with our car and we purchased the car, and my mindset is it's totally different.
00:02:52.580 --> 00:03:08.875
I bought floor mats. I I got a whole bunch of stuff to now protect this new car that we got because I bought it. Whereas the rental, don't get me wrong, I took care of it, made sure it was clean, did all the oil changes on time. But in my mind at the back of my mind, I knew I'm gonna be turning this thing in in 3 years. So Yeah.
00:03:08.995 --> 00:03:20.419
It's okay if I get a little scratch here or there. There it'll be it'll all be forgiven. Yeah. Whereas the ownership mindset, you tend to take care of it more, and you value it more.
00:03:20.419 --> 00:03:24.259
And on top of that, it increases in in equity over time.
00:03:24.259 --> 00:03:50.449
Yeah. And a rental, it doesn't. No. It doesn't. And there's a principle there that we should be aware of because the having that renter's mindset because I can afford it sometimes causes you to not take care of it like your own, as you just said. If you own it, you're you should feel a little bit more entitled to, okay. Let me take care of all aspects of this.
00:03:50.990 --> 00:04:17.560
And the principle is this, what what you take care of, what if if it's small. You start small. And if you take care of the first thing that's been given to you, it's a it's a spiritual principle. If you take care of the small thing that's been given to you, then you will heaven will release the bigger things to be given to you.
00:04:17.699 --> 00:05:02.875
So god will is actually watching how you take care of what you own now because it'll determine what you get down the road. And so the principle is let me take care of it. So if you own it, you're gonna be more inclined to take care of it more because then it'll open up the door for bigger and better in the future. Yeah. Definitely. And if you rent if you're in a renting situation, you need to be taking care of that as well because that is somebody's. Mhmm. And another principle is if I can build somebody else's house Yeah. Then God will he'll he'll give you he'll he's still watching how you steward over the things you have. Yeah. It's your mindset is different though when it's yours.
00:05:02.875 --> 00:05:13.610
It is. It is. But it's all aspects of that. The renting, if you are renting, don't as the scripture says, don't despise the day of, you know, small beginnings. You may start renting, and that's okay.
00:05:13.910 --> 00:06:23.394
But the goal should be ownership as we as we'll look at because a lot of people just don't know, especially in South Florida, how do I even afford a home with the housing market, what it is? And I know this, our heads on a swivel. You're driving down the street. I'm driving down the street, different places. Chris is driving. Our wives, your wife, my wife, Chris's wife, all are looking at for sale signs because we're like, okay, is that my next home? Can I afford it? And I just know this. I could never afford any home I ever bought and somehow or other, it worked out. Now before we get into nuts and bolts here, I thought a great little story. You wanna date my daughter, Steph, your wife, and you come to the house. It's all been worked out. Sunday evening, we had church service in the morning. Steph knows you're coming over. Mary tells me as I'm in the pool out back and relaxing. Mary says, Wayne is coming over. He wants to talk to you about dating and get your blessing to date Steph.
00:06:24.574 --> 00:06:35.670
So you came over the house. Were you nervous? I mean, because I'm nervous a normal nervous. I was 30 years old too. So you've had some practice you made now.
00:06:37.110 --> 00:06:53.185
You were just nervous, but okay. So you show up, and you ask me, you know, very honoring, hey, can I date your daughter? And, of course, we're like, of course. You know? We didn't know you that much.
00:06:53.564 --> 00:07:08.199
Excuse me. We didn't know you at all. You stumbled it off the street during COVID, and you saw Steph, and you wanted to date her. So you asked. But the the point I'm the reason I'm bringing this up is because you said something then.
00:07:08.339 --> 00:07:33.850
Remember what you said about the house? Yeah. What'd you say? I think along the lines of, I'm gonna do my best to provide for her. And right now, in the beginning, we might not be able to have all that you've been able to provide for her and the rest of your family, but with time, I'll get there. Yep. Somewhere along that. Bring tears to my eyes because that that's what really, that has been your the way that you've operated.
00:07:34.629 --> 00:09:24.089
You do start, okay, small. I have this, and you take care of it, but you you don't just stop there. You keep looking for more. You keep wanting to expand, which is something in the DNA that I think all men have, been there by put there by their creator. They just don't know how to navigate through it. And that's why I wanted to do this podcast because you're young. You're starting in it. I'm older, been able to enjoy it. I learned from my dad. I was pushed by my dad. It was not in my nature to necessarily go out and try to find the next home, the bigger home. I was so focused on the church and the ministry, building God's house, and I was blessed to be able to see God open doors and my dad's encouragement mentorship to be able to help me move into the houses that we're in today. And the truth is, all 3 of my houses, my dad had a hand in helping me find and then buy. So that's good for the older generation to be aware. There's a younger generation that needs to needs encouragement, help, coaching along the way to go from renting to owning. So let's talk about it. First thing we wanna ask is, how do I afford, to be able to buy a home here in the South Florida market? Well, I wanna first start off with the biblical principle that talks about it found in Proverbs, and it says, prepare your outside work, make it fit for yourself in the field, and afterwards, build your house. So pretty much what it's saying is go prepare yourself, go get your your degree, study something, Have a career. Prepare your your fields. Mhmm. And then count the cost of building your house or or then go buy a home. Mhmm.
00:09:24.230 --> 00:09:53.330
So some some statistics in the Miami Dade County area because that's where we live. Mhmm. The average household income to be able to afford a home in Miami is about $160,000 a year of what you should be be bringing in. Now that seems like a lot for a lot of people in my age range or younger than me. But that doesn't mean that you can't start small like you were saying. You can you can find an apartment. You can find a a townhouse that fits your budget.
00:09:54.429 --> 00:10:23.409
Just numbers, you should be spending no more than 30% of your household income on your expenses housing expenses. Mhmm. So if you make a $100,000 a year between you and your spouse, then 30,000 of that no more than 30,000 should be going towards your home. So that's about a$25100 a month mortgage. Mhmm. So some easy math that you can see. Okay. What what can I get into? Maybe it is an apartment. Mhmm.
00:10:24.909 --> 00:10:39.544
The that's just some numbers that we can just start off to be like, okay. What are some realistic things Mhmm. That that, we can start? Yeah. $25100 mortgage will give you, what, about a $300,000 mortgage?
00:10:39.845 --> 00:11:09.153
$25100 payment. $300,000 mortgage? With interest rates now? So, yeah, somewhere around there. So you're looking at a home. If you can afford a 25100 and you're thinking to yourself, alright. I need to be looking at something between 250,000 to 300,000 because I gotta consider insurance. I gotta consider HOA fees, things like that that all gonna be locked in Yeah. To it. So that payment then p and I, all of that, plus your other expenses that they may put in their escrow. You look at $25100.
00:11:10.414 --> 00:11:24.528
Yeah. And it's gonna be about 250 to $300,000 home. Yeah. And that's doable in in Miami. Maybe not a single family home, but you can definitely find a an apartment or a townhouse Mhmm. For that.
00:11:24.589 --> 00:11:42.815
Yeah. And that will grow with time. Mhmm. Your first place that you got? Yeah. That was a 500 square foot apartment, in South Miami. The location was really good. I bought it in 2017. So before married. Before I was married, I made it a goal to I wanted to purchase my first piece of property before I turned 30.
00:11:42.815 --> 00:11:50.190
Mhmm. So, in a great location in South Miami, and I started renting it for a few years.
00:11:50.190 --> 00:12:10.500
Mhmm. And it was just paying for itself, giving me a little bit off the top every month. Yep. And then when Steph and I got married, we had a place immediately that we can jump into and and start as big as this podcast studio. It was small. It was small. Yeah. But How much you paid for it? Do you remember? Yeah. So I paid a 130,000 for it. There you go.
00:12:11.860 --> 00:12:15.539
And I put about 10,000 in it to kinda remodel it and redo the kitchen.
00:12:15.539 --> 00:12:32.914
It was it was nice. Mhmm. And the location was great right by, University of Miami. Yep. So I rented it to a couple students, and it was a nice little spot. And now I mean, when Steph and I got married after a couple months, we were like, man, this place is small. We couldn't have any company over because there's no parking.
00:12:33.215 --> 00:12:51.019
You you couldn't really sit down. It was it was tiny, but we look back on that time, and we really treasure that as it was just her and I before we had kids. We had a great time in that that little And then you flipped it. We sold it, and, right when the prices all started to go up, sold it Yep. And, moved into our townhouse.
00:12:51.019 --> 00:13:39.539
And Yeah. And you did good because that helped you with down payment, money you were able to put away to then, own something bigger. And it wasn't. And I remember the the search here because you're thinking, you know, okay. I I I want a house. So you were looking for a bigger house in a different community to where you live now. You were from the South Miami area, and it's so cute. And it's it's kinda like just just outside of Coral Gables. So it has that certain prestige to it and just a cute little neighborhood, but yet you found that the cost, was it just wasn't cost effective at that point for you. So you did. You were willing to go and you looked into some townhouses, and it just so happens that you bought in the same townhouse community. It is a townhouse. Right? Yeah.
00:13:39.539 --> 00:14:01.274
Townhouse. Townhouse community that, Christopher is in, and you're, like, 5 houses away from each other. Really cute right around the block. But but you went to okay. I can't afford this for right now, but I start here. It was a step below what you wanted, but you're willing to do that because it's what you could get your family into. Definitely.
00:14:01.335 --> 00:14:19.179
And the equity in that has grown. I remember when we were moving, I was a little concerned because our mortgage went up, like, $1,000 from the apartment to the townhouse, and that was a stretch. It's always gonna be a stretch. Yeah. And my dad was like, Chris, it's always gonna feel a little scary. As long as you can afford it, it's within your budget.
00:14:19.554 --> 00:15:16.914
It's always gonna feel a little scary. And then you told us you're like, Chris, this is this is the least amount of money you will ever make in your life. You're just gonna grow with here. So right now, it feels scary, but give it time, and time has passed, and now it's it's not that much of a of a burden to have to pay that mortgage. Yeah. And the equity has grown in the in the townhouse so that when we're ready to to move on to the next home Mhmm. We'll have a nice equity in the home so that we can then use to Yeah. To turn around and get something And you're doing a little investment property up there in the Jensen Beach outside of Stewart area. So what you couldn't afford on the front end, you've been able to use some of those resources that you made from the sale of your first home, and you went out, of course, you bought yourself a little toy with some of that money, patted yourself on the back, and you just sold that. But you invested into a piece of property in the Jensen Beach area, and you and your dad are now building that out.
00:15:16.914 --> 00:15:49.333
So you're you're showing that, okay, this is all about a mindset. And if once you got over the ownership as opposed to just the easy renting, it it opens you up to so many other things that now because your mind's open to it. Your eyes are seeing it. Here's opportunity. It's not that big of a deal to own. You can do it. Yeah. When after we sold our first apartment, we pretty much doubled what what I put in it. Yeah.
00:15:49.894 --> 00:17:31.855
And I was at home one day after everything closed, and the most amount of money I've ever seen in my bank account. And I'm thinking, wow. This was all God. He he brought this. Yeah. He was able to I couldn't foresee the market going up and and doing this. This was definitely God's hand of of blessing in our life. And then I started thinking, why aren't I doing more? Like, I wish Steward did that well, and he put it his hand was on it. He blessed it. Yep. I need to be doing more. Yeah. Because God is on our side. And if he's on our side, then and I'm following his principles, then what else could I be doing to steward what he's given me? Yeah. It was a really kind of a a a response responsibility I felt to Mhmm. I need to be stewarding all these things that God is opening up for us. Yep. And that's why I I was like, okay. I love real estate. Something I always kinda like. So let me go get my license, and Mhmm. I wanna try to flip a home or invest outside of my personal home. Mhmm. And so far, God's hand has always been on it. Yep. So Well, it's inspiring, and that's why we're having this pod podcast. So here's the other thought. Somebody says I can't afford it, and it's not so much about you can't. It's just figuring out what you can afford. The second thought is this. You know, in an environment like South Florida, should should we wait for the market to stabilize before I actually buy a home? So I get asked that a lot. Should I wait for the interest rates to drop, or, should I wait for after the elections, the presidential elections? Mhmm. And I believe Dave Ramsey has said it before. You buy when you can afford. Mhmm.
00:17:31.855 --> 00:18:30.994
You don't try to time the market. Yeah. Those people who bought low and the market went up, they didn't do that on purpose. It was almost like, by coincidence, they bought when they could afford it, and the market happened to go up, and they did well. But if you look at it on a long term, the real estate market, your investment grows at about a 10% increase between a 15 30 year loan. So the real estate market is very stable long term. Mhmm. So you buy when you can afford. You can't try to time the market or wait if when interest rates go down, then housing costs go up. The prices will go up. Yeah. And vice versa. It's the supply and demand Mhmm. Principle and economics. So let's say interest drops interest rates right now are around 7%. When they drop to if they drop to 4, 5%, then the housing prices are gonna go up 50, a $100,000 Yeah. More than what they are now. So you buy when you can afford. Mhmm.
00:18:31.234 --> 00:18:47.470
I know some people who who sold their home, around the 2020 elections thinking, wow. My house is worth a lot of money. Right. I wanna sell before the elections because the market's gonna take a dive after the election 2020 elections, and that never happened.
00:18:47.470 --> 00:19:01.815
Yeah. Prices just went up and up and up. They sold their home, and they were left without a house. And they were forced to either move out in Miami or figure out another means, or they had to now downgrade into a smaller place. So you buy when you can afford.
00:19:01.815 --> 00:19:32.144
Yeah. And you fit. You stick to that budget. I I found early on with Mary and I, we got married, and I said, I'll you know, Mary, we'll be in this it was a townhouse. Debonair Villas in West Kendall. And, I said, Mary, we'll be here for 5 years. So my my uncle actually owned it, and then he sold it to me. And now here's where when you do with the whole thing about, okay, I don't know if I can afford this or not.
00:19:32.144 --> 00:19:35.789
Right? I don't I don't I'm not sure I can handle it financially.
00:19:36.329 --> 00:20:23.444
There's always creative ways that if you ask, you will find it's possible to be able to buy. So for my uncle, I didn't have any money. So we get married, Mary and I do, we got 0. And, my uncle says, listen. I'll sell you this, and I'll do it for 5 years, pretty much interest only, 5 years, and then we will balloon it out and you could turn around and buy it from these locked in for a mortgage.
00:20:24.384 --> 00:20:27.845
So, that payment was, like, $350.
00:20:28.799 --> 00:21:32.059
It's, like, 36969. I couldn't believe it. And that to me was but the idea the the thought of that was, there was other ways that I was able to get into the deal rather than just the traditional banking going to the bank and getting a loan. There's there's ways that you can do it. So if you're waiting for interest rates to drop, and as you said, prices will go up, if you're waiting for the perfect time, you're not gonna ever strike it right. So the the thought should be, if I wanna buy, if I wanna own, let me get creative. Let me talk to some lenders. Let me find out what the seller may do. Maybe the seller will carry the paper, meaning they'll let you buy it from them, and they'll just hold the note on it. They'll they'll be the mortgage. They'll be the bank. And then you do that for a period of time until your in your finances increase. So you you the point there is don't always wait for the perfect opportunity because there won't be a perfect opportunity.
00:21:32.440 --> 00:23:22.535
You gotta find your way into this. What do you think on that? Well, definitely. There's definitely ways to get creative too. There's the FHA loans that you can get if you're a first time home home buyer with lower interest rates. You can go the private lending route. If you know a family member or somebody that can privately lend you the money still, you'll have to pay interest to them, but Mhmm. You don't have to go through the bank. There's the seller financing route that a lot of people nowadays, they're like, well, I'll take the interest. You're still gonna pay interest, but, the seller of the home will then hold the the note, and you'll pay your your payment to them. There's definitely ways to to get creative of to get yourself in a home. Mhmm. The home we bought after we we, were in that particular townhouse for us, hurricane Andrew came around. And that, of course, opened up the opportunity right at the 5 year mark for Mary and I and started looking around. And we found a hurricane damaged home. My dad found it again. And just to be able to get it, I didn't have I had to wait for the sale of the condo, the townhouse. So I went to a family member, and it was Mary's stepfather. And he was willing to lend us the money that was needed to be able to close on the home. Of course, I had to pay him back, which was fine. I was waiting for my house, house to sell to do that. But there's the the point there is you you find ways to do it. You can figure it out. We did it with our present home. When we bought it, we were waiting for the sale of our old one. I needed some money up front. And I was in a position where I couldn't just go get to to the bank right then. So, again, went to family, private financing, paid them with interest to be able to then move into the home. So there is ways that we can do this. So baby steps.
00:23:23.234 --> 00:23:34.398
Again, we kind of mentioned this a little bit already, but talk about some of those baby steps that help a person move ins, start small, apartment, townhouse. Why?
00:23:34.619 --> 00:24:19.423
Yeah. So your your least cost of, or your least expensive route would be to start in an apartment. Mhmm. With a low HOA or a good HO homeowners association, and then just grow from there. So because when you buy something with time, it should be increasing in value. So it's if you just have your money in the bank and a savings account, the most really you can get is about a 5% interest that your money is growing at. Well, if you put it in in your in an apartment even Mhmm. It's gonna grow at a faster rate than that. So that when in 5 years, let's say, you're, hey. We're ready. Our family's growing. We need something bigger. The money you put in it has grown exponentially so that you can then afford the townhouse or the single family home.
00:24:19.964 --> 00:24:26.920
But there are some some kind of things to always keep in mind in real estate, and that's location, location, location. I've heard that said.
00:24:27.700 --> 00:24:30.200
It remains true. Always buy in a good neighborhood.
00:24:31.539 --> 00:24:42.434
It'll grow faster. You'll never have a problem, selling it on the back end when you're ready to move on, and create a kind of a checklist between you and your spouse.
00:24:42.494 --> 00:25:26.690
The negotiables of what you're willing to kinda be flexible on in in your home Mhmm. And the must haves. Those are Explain that a little bit more. So you're looking for a home. You you want a, but you may end up having to go with c. Yeah. So that. So sit down with your spouse and say, okay. What do we must have in our in our home that we're looking for? What is that? Is it proximity to your workplace, proximity to family? Maybe you have to have a garage. Maybe you you just you got a lot of stuff. Mhmm. You have to have a garage. Maybe you want a big lot size. Those are, like, the 5 major things that you gotta, you have to have in your home. Well, then look at what can you be flexible on. What are some negotiables?
00:25:27.069 --> 00:25:55.880
Maybe that car that garage could be a 1 car garage instead of a 2 car. Right. Maybe the house is a needs some work. Maybe you're getting into a fixer upper Mhmm. Rather than a fully turnkey remodeled home. Maybe you really wanted a pool, but, hey. It's okay. Grandparents have a pool. There's a your sister has a pool. You can do without the pool if if you find the right house. So just figure out what your your must haves are and your negotiables are, and then stick to that checklist when looking for a home.
00:25:55.880 --> 00:26:21.384
Yeah. And you mentioned location. I have found some people that look at a home and say, well, I can afford that home because it's newer, it's a new community, and so on. It could be so far away from your job or your really community involvement that you spend even more money in tolls and gas trying to stay connected with your community.
00:26:22.500 --> 00:27:21.619
Whereas maybe if you looked around and said, alright. That's a nice home, but my community gets a lot of my time 2 or 3 nights a week. And then my job that I travel to 5 or 6 days a week is over on the other side of town. It might be better to get something a little more or less, may maybe something a little older and something that doesn't cost as much or even consider something that may cost a little bit more because here's where you're gonna save some money in your transportation. You're you're you're not gonna have to worry about the extra gas. You're not gonna have to worry, in some of these new homeowners or new developments. They got homeowner association fees that are even more expensive. So it's all about alright. Yes. This is a and we would like it, but maybe we need to go with b or c on this first home or the second home. And I would always say in your mind, think long term here because this first home isn't gonna be your only home.
00:27:21.839 --> 00:27:51.269
It's a starter, and you'll be able to upgrade from there, which then brings us to this. When is renting okay? So I I personally think renting is okay if it's a temporary situation. So if your job is maybe seasonal or your job is a little unstable at the moment, maybe you're just moved to the city and you're not really sure exactly what area you wanna live in, so you wanna just rent just to kinda test the test the waters, see if you like that community.
00:27:52.609 --> 00:28:06.325
Maybe you're building your home or you're remodeling a home, so you have to rent for a certain amount of time. Maybe you're building credit or you're building your savings account so that you can then purchase your home. Mhmm. So definitely rent if it's a temporary thing. Mhmm.
00:28:07.825 --> 00:28:37.765
There's another, wise saying of Proverbs in the Bible. It says, the rich rules over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender. Mhmm. So when you're renting, you're paying somebody else's mortgage. Yeah. And their investment, their asset is growing, and you're just helping them pay for it. Mhmm. Whereas if you have your own home, then your payment that you make every month is going towards building your investment, and your investment is growing.
00:28:37.825 --> 00:28:56.325
Mhmm. So, definitely, renting is only it should only be a temporary situation. Yeah. You said it before, 5 years will go by like that. Oh my gosh. And you'll realize, man, I could've paid off a big chunk of my mortgage by now because it's not like the rental market is less expensive than the than purchasing a home.
00:28:56.325 --> 00:29:10.579
Mhmm. The mortgage is about the same. The monthly payment is about the same if you're renting or if you own. Yeah. Your down payment is a little bit bigger. A lot of people have a struggle with that. But you can get over that hurdle Mhmm. Then definitely own your home.
00:29:10.579 --> 00:29:17.960
Yeah. And and you talk about that down payment. There are some sellers that are willing to again negotiate even with the down payment aspect of it.
00:29:18.019 --> 00:30:01.785
And creative financing is you've got somebody that maybe want to sell a home, and the person needs so much money up front as the down payment. The bank wants you to put that down payment down. But the seller may be willing to even help you with a portion of that and say, alright. Pay me an agreement here. If you've got a year, pay me the the maybe you come up with half of it. If it's a $30,000 down payment, you can afford 15. Maybe the seller says, you know what? I'm good. Give me a year. You pay me the rest of this the 15. You figure that out. You ask the questions. You you go and and, do some research and find out how you can afford to make that step.
00:30:02.359 --> 00:30:31.710
Yes. Renting is good for a period of time, but that's why this goes back to a mindset. And I would even put it on my calendar, Weena, to say a year from now, I'm gonna get a reminder that pops up that says, yeah, you're renting. Start looking to own. Just to help you change the mindset from being a renter to now being an owner. It's going to help you in the long run.
00:30:32.170 --> 00:30:59.509
They do say to us that your greatest asset at retirement is your home. That's gonna be your biggest investment that you make. That should be able to give you a good return when it's all said and done and you start to retire and look at slowing down. What does that give you? So, yeah, anything else you wanna say before we close this? No. I think we hit the the main top talking points. Mhmm. People are asking.
00:30:59.569 --> 00:32:23.278
Yep. So I I kinda like what we what we said. Yeah. If somebody needs help buying a home, can, come to you? Yeah. Of course. There's plenty of other realtors at the church too. Go with somebody that you know and trust. Yeah. That's good. Well, proud of you. Let it be known. Proud you're you're, part of the family. Proud that you're a son-in-law. You're a great husband to my daughter. You're a great father to your kids and our grandkids and, a great employee carrying the educational component of the ministry. And, little bit does people know that you also have a life outside of the church where you like investments, you like building, and you like being able to improve yourself. You just don't sit on your hands here, and I like that about you. So Thank you. Thanks for being in the podcast booth. And I trust today was inspiring to you, especially as if you're looking to be able to go from renting to owning. Hopefully, this has been encouraging. Take care. Thanks for joining us. You've just enjoyed another episode of the family business podcast with Violetsis, and we can't thank you enough for being a part of our podience today. Now that you've learned more about us, here's how you can join in in the family business. First, make sure you're following our podcast right now and download this episode so you can hear it at any time.
00:32:23.659 --> 00:33:02.160
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