Do you always find yourself in the middle of family conflicts, trying to keep the peace?
If so, you might be filling a role that no one asked you to fill - and it might be causing more harm than good.
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The Family Peacekeeper: Are You Solving or Enabling Family Conflicts? | S7 E29
Is it possible to be TOO focused on your kids?
Navigating the journey of parenthood can be challenging, especially when your instinct is to make your children the center of your universe.
We know family can be complicated, and today's episode is proof! In this episode, Steve and Mary Alessi respond and share their honest feedback on some of the comments and questions asked by our "podience" about leaving and cleaving, marriage, and dealing with in-laws.
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The Struggle to Leave and Cleave: Responding to Your Questions on Marriage and In-Laws | S7 E27
What would you do if you had to fight for your life and your country, while you were starting your life with your spouse?
This isn't a movie plot. It's the real story of a marriage forged in the middle of a war.
Are you struggling to keep your marriage relationship fresh and healthy despite life's constant challenges?
In this powerful episode, Steve and Mary Alessi share a conversation with long-time friends David and Mory Martinez.
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How to Build a Strong Marriage by Growing and Adapting Together | S7 E25
Afraid of the prospect immigration challenges facing your community or loved ones? In this powerful and timely episode, we welcome Abe Cardenas, from the Cardenas Law Firm, as we dig into the realities and misconceptions abou...
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Immigration Fear or Fact? Raids, Rights and What Your Family Needs to Know
Are there certain topics in your marriage that you're scared to discuss? Does it feel like you're risking a potential blow-up if you even bring it up?
In this episode, Steve and Mary Alessi share insights into these "No-Go Zones," offering strategies to approach sensitive issues confidently.
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No-Go Zones! How to Confidently Approach Sensitive Issues In Your Marriage | S7 E23
Is your marriage in danger of going on life support?
In this powerful, candid and unfiltered episode, you'll learn about the issues that could damage and destroy your marriage if you don't work on them intentionally, so you can enjoy a happier and healthier relationship.
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How to Kill Your Marriage: Avoiding Traps So Your Relationship Stays Strong and Happy | S7 E22
Being a grandparent can be joyous and fulfilling - but it's not always simple. Especially when grandkids are being, well, kids. How do well-meaning grandparents maintain the right posture when it comes to setting standards, w...
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Grandparent with Grace! How to Manage Discipline Issues with Your Grandkids
Does facing the truth in your home feel like lighting a fuse?
When your family has to face the inevitable disagreements that happen in every home, you have two choices - you can embrace uncomfortable but healthy conversations, or you can allow unhealthy responses that lead to more pain later on.
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When Truth Hurts: How to Handle Family Conflicts with Healthy Communication | S7 E20
When it comes to Christmas, are you Buddy the Elf in your family - or the Grinch?
Every family has a variety of personalities, and it's no different when it comes to celebrating the holidays. Some people love to spend and dive into the gift giving, while others are more reserved and concerned a…
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Festive or Frugal? How to Work with Your Family to Make Christmas Magical | S7 E16
Afraid that your holiday family gatherings will turn into political battles instead of a joyful reunions?
In our latest episode, we dive into preserving family unity during the holidays when political tensions run high.
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Tension at the Table? How to Steer Clear of Politics at Family Christmas Celebrations | S7 E15
Being a twenty-something isn't easy - and during the Christmas season life can get really interesting. How can you make sure your holidays are joyful when you're in a season of constant transition?
In this episode sisters Gaby, Lauren and Stephanie examine the joys and challenges of celebrating…
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Sleigh the Holidays! How to Plan a Joyful Christmas in Your Twenties | S7 EP14
Are your family vacations are more stressful than restful? Do you cringe at the thought of the time and expense of taking your family out-of-town?
Maybe it's time to re-prioritize your holiday getaways.
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Holiday Getaway! Why Family Vacations Are Even More Important Than You Think | S7 E13
Do you need help turning life's crushing moments into stepping stones?
If so, the inspiring story of Steve Alessi's near-fatal heart attack and his journey from survival to strength will help you find hope.
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From Heart Attack to Hope: Lessons from a Death Defying Experience with The Community Voice | S7 E12
Are you setting the standards for your family - or are you letting other people set them for you?
In this episode, Steve and Mary Alessi dive deep into why adhering to healthy principles and moral standards is essential for a balanced and fulfilling life for you and your family.
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Standards of Excellence: How to Empower Your Family with Principles that Last | S7 E11
Do women really understand how men think? Mary Alessi sits down with her lifelong friend and relationship expert Daniele Hage to unlock the secrets to the ways men think through the stages of their lives.
Just how important is a man's role in the family? In this episode we uncover the peace and stability families can enjoy when husbands and fathers lead their families with courage and confidence.
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Your King Era: Why We Need Men to Step Forward and Lead Their Families
In this video, we share important facts about the dark and dangerous world of human trafficking. We discuss how parents can protect their kids from criminals and predators, both online and in real life.
How do you teach your children the RIGHT way to handle cash? Steve Alessi sits down with his son Chris Alessi to answer the eternal question all parents face - do we give kids allowance or make them do chores to earn money?
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Allowance or No Allowance? How to Confidently Raise Cash Smart Kids | S7 E7
Lauren Alessi joins her friend and mentor Angie Gonzalez to give families vital info on body image, weight loss fads and the dangerous cultural trends that lead to unhealthy coping patterns with food.
Ever dreamed of starting your own business?
To help all of our Podience members who want to one day have a family business that brings them success and fulfillment, Steve Alessi sits down with his good friend Roger Quesada and shares the keys they've learned from years of building successful bu…
In this honest and practical episode, Stephanie Muiña and her sister-in-law Richelle Alessi share their experiences as young moms and describe how they are overcoming mom guilt.
Does the dream of home ownership feel out of reach for your family? In this extremely informative episode, Chris Muiña sits down with his father-in-law Steve Alessi to tackle the big question: should you buy a home or rent in today's tough economy?