It's been an amazing season in The Family Business, so we're celebrating our Podience and all you've made possible for us - and teasing what you can look forward to in Season 7!
It's been an amazing season in The Family Business, so we're celebrating our Podience and all you've made possible for us - and teasing what you can look forward to in Season 7!
All good things must come to an end...but great things keep going!
It's been an amazing season in The Family Business, and this episode is a celebration of our Podience and all you've made possible for us - and what we can look forward to in Season 7!
Here, Steve and Mary Alessi discuss the challenges and rewards of podcasting as a family for six seasons that have been full of dramatic changes. We'll reveal some incredible milestones we'll accomplished together, and you'll hear how the podcast has become a platform for sharing their personal insights, helping both our podience and their own relationship—yes, even down to the intimate details.
You'll want to get all the details and get ready for a new season by listening to this season finale - then make sure to contact us with your best ideas for Season 7!
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Email: info@alessifamilybusiness.com
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Text: Text our Podience Textline 302-542-0800
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Then we could actually say Oh, no. Since we're talking so much in the podcast booth. The Family Business Podcast has helped our sex life. Okay. Maybe it has. Thank you. You know what? Wow. Maybe it has.
00:00:16.153 --> 00:00:17.774
Maybe it will help others.
00:00:27.824 --> 00:00:45.744
Hello, and welcome to the last episode of season 6 with the Alessi family business, where family is everybody's business. I love that. This is Steve, and today we are with Mary. Me? Mia. Your wife.
00:00:46.125 --> 00:01:05.829
Mia. Hey. That's your grandmother's name. My grandma name, Mia. Which stands for? Mary Elaine Alessi. It's not m I a, missing in action. There you go. It's m e a, Mary Elaine Alessi. And Gianna, for the longest time, our oldest granddaughter called me, me. I love that.
00:01:05.829 --> 00:01:16.594
She called me, me. Come, me. Me. And then she added the just in time for the other 2 grandkids to copy it and learn it and call me by the name I wanna be called Yeah.
00:01:16.754 --> 00:01:20.055
Mia. I like that name. Me too. And you are?
00:01:20.355 --> 00:01:46.120
Papa. Papa. Took it from my dad. Yep. Who took it from his dad, and I want to keep it alive. It's super sweet. You're papa now. Papa. It's fun. And I know it's kinda weird with my sisters, who, of course, miss my dad after his passing in 2020 when they see posts or something about papa. Probably weird. Oh, my gosh. Steve's using papa's name. Dad's name. Excuse me. But I love it.
00:01:46.260 --> 00:02:13.634
I love it when I hear that little those kids, papa, papa, life's good. Alright. So here we are. We have gone through 6 seasons. I love this. This is, consistency, I think, is one of our our keys. That's one thing I always appreciate is consistency Yep. Me too. With something. And the fact that we have gone through 6 seasons now with our podcast means the world. That's amazing. It shows stability. It shows health.
00:02:13.634 --> 00:02:32.299
Yeah. I like that. And that's one of the the things that make us who we are today is we're gonna be here, we're gonna be around, and so is our podcast right now. So here's what happened. We have a total right now of 1700 subscribers on YouTube for our podcast.
00:02:32.360 --> 00:03:13.000
That's amazing. 100 more came in this last season. Which shows you consistency and how you just keep building that audience. And thank you to those who are subscribing. Say it again. Thank you. Thank you to all of you who are subscribing. If you are not a subscriber, push that subscribe button. We would love for you to join the Alessi family podcast and get all of our content. Yeah. And our goal is to keep providing Yeah. What is of value to you. So what is podcast value? What's information? We'd love to be able to hear from you on what you would like to hear from us Mhmm. On where we go forward.
00:03:13.000 --> 00:03:25.919
Matter of fact, if you'd like to do that, you've got subjects, you've got questions. Here's a here we we just launched a Podian's text this past season, and here it is. It's the text line 3 02524-0800.
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That is 302-524-0800.
00:03:40.044 --> 00:03:43.879
You'll find that find that in the notes. That's our that's our Podience text.
00:03:43.879 --> 00:04:08.348
We have our Podience text. Yeah. Text line. So if you're getting ready, we're gonna go into season 7, which is a great number, by the way. Perfection. It's gonna be a good year. It's gonna be a great season. Send us what you would love to be able to hear about so we can keep, encouraging and bringing value to what you need. The questions that that you have. So we're up to 1700. 300,000 views on YouTube in the last 12 months. That's incredible.
00:04:08.865 --> 00:04:11.764
Wow. Thank you. That's amazing.
00:04:12.224 --> 00:04:36.154
Keep viewing. Thank you, guys. The word out. And if it's helping you, maybe it'll also help others. Let's double those views. Season 7, that'd be cool cool. What do you think the most viewed video has been, Mary? This one got almost 13 1,000 views. What do you think the most viewed audience podcast would be? It has to be the inspiration for our coffee mug, the cappuccino.
00:04:36.759 --> 00:04:43.978
Original It has to be the Gapster, the Gabmeister. Oh, my goodness. Named her Gabby, because she's Gabber.
00:04:44.413 --> 00:04:58.529
And so, is it Gabby? Yeah. Her comments on dates. 13,000. People win. Questions. Bonkers over that. Every teen must answer before dating. That clip right there, that video got a whole lot of attention.
00:04:59.069 --> 00:05:13.649
Yeah. That was really interesting that people were really fired up about her comments. Yeah. If you didn't hear that, go back and listen. That was with Chris. Right? Yeah. That's the one with Chris, and they've talked and she was talking specifically about young teens.
00:05:13.709 --> 00:05:24.689
Actually, no. That was with me. She and I. Oh, it was with you? She and I Okay. Did the podcast, and then Chris did a follow-up on all of these responses. That's what it was. I loved it.
00:05:24.689 --> 00:05:27.649
And, you know, she it was like a badge of honor for her. Oh, man.
00:05:27.649 --> 00:06:55.990
I I I told her if if this had been me, if that was me years ago and they had podcasts when I was her age, I would be completely crumpled on the floor. Yeah. I couldn't handle people saying, you're a yapper. I mean, oh my god, I would just die. But she's pretty tough. Yeah. That was We made a mug, and she thought it was awesome. Oh, yeah. Yeah. That yapper is only is reserved for me. I'm able to tell you that. But, no, that was a great episode. So, you gotta find that one. Here's the most download episode, and in the audio format was the one it was season 6, episode 21, and it was about feeling small. Yeah. How to stop being intimidated around other people. How to stop being intimidated around other people. So some good, I remember that one, by the way. I like that one. Yeah. That I think that was, like, one of those spontaneous ones we were just talking about dealing with that feeling How not to feel small. And how what it takes to overcome that Yeah. And the self talk. Right. That it honestly, I could see why that one's a big one. There's not a person on the planet that doesn't have to deal with that spirit of intimidation. Yeah. Just that feeling of walking into a room and either wanting to be seen or not wanting to be seen Yeah. And struggling within yourself, especially when there's other people in the room Mhmm. That might make you feel small, but they're not intentionally trying to make you feel small.
00:06:56.069 --> 00:07:18.014
Pick up your your phone and scroll social media without being intimidated and feel small. No. It's true. Golly. Oh, man. So if you like that, that season 6 episode 21, you wanna go back, share that with other people because that may be, encouragement to you. Give me real quick, if you don't mind, Alan. Alan, Paul is our producer.
00:07:18.793 --> 00:07:59.800
What episode was Gabby's 2 questions every teen must answer before dating? If you can give me that one, that would be cool so they can go back and find it. But, thanks for being with us up to this point. We'll be moving into a season 7, and that's gonna start right after the summer. So we're already gearing up on what our podcasts are gonna be. So help us out. We wanna make sure we're bringing value, adding value to your life, and this subject matter is definitely you'll help us. Give us some suggestions of what you would like to hear. Now we're hearing from a lot of people. Right. I get texts regularly.
00:08:00.418 --> 00:08:48.919
Some from people that it's unexpected. But they're telling me how much they really do enjoy this podcast, what it's giving them. I had someone tell me recently that they don't need to meet with me because they just listen to the podcast. Wow. And that everything we say to do, raising the kid oh, sorry. I kicked you. Raising the kids, the podcast just gives them the answer, and they just do whatever the podcast says. Yeah. They go back and listen to it again. And and I thought when she said that, I was like, well, that explains a lot. Right. That explains a lot from the perspective of, say, maybe a few years ago, we did have more people that wanted to sit with us and get more information 1 on 1 about, hey. How do we raise this 3 year old?
00:08:48.919 --> 00:08:57.835
How do we raise this 13 year old? What do we do when our kids don't wanna come to church? How do I how do I make them? I don't wanna force them. Well, we've covered all of those topics.
00:08:57.835 --> 00:10:00.115
Yeah. And those familial roadblocks and mountains you gotta climb and just getting over conflict. Mhmm. We've talked about it all. We'll probably talk about it more even in season 7 because we'll renew it. It's daily. Raising kids and family and Every it's daily. Day. Something changes. So we really are almost like daily coaches. Yeah. So as you go, you know Okay. I want you to think about this. Provide content. Sorry to cut you off. You cut me off like I cut you off. You didn't let me finish. I got all excited. It's your hair. Who are you? Yeah. Is it my hair? Is it too fluffy? It's beautiful. Okay. I love it. Okay. So I want you to tell me in just a minute what why you like doing our podcast. Just a minute. Okay? Okay. Why you like doing this podcast? That episode with Gabby on 2 questions every team must answer before dating was episode 26 of this season 6. So you wanna pick that up. Okay. Let me tell you why I love doing our family business Okay. Podcast. Okay? Mhmm.
00:10:00.799 --> 00:10:07.299
Our church as pastors, our church has gotten bigger and bigger.
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We when we were small, started our church in 1997.
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When we were small, everybody knew us. And when they knew us, they knew our heart. Right. Because they were with us all the time.
00:10:24.539 --> 00:10:35.559
Yeah. And we would talk, go to restaurants after church. You know, we'd load up the little restaurant. We'd have They watched us leadership meetings. Kids. Yes. All the time. Yep.
00:10:35.559 --> 00:11:08.365
So it wasn't just they watched us, but they were with us. They heard us. They they got it. So people knew our heart. Right. The interested thing with growth is the larger you get now that we've got thousands coming to the church and you've got not just one church building that you're housing them, that's divided up into a number of different complexes because you got kids there in one complex, chill youth in the other complex. Parents are are spread thin. It's not not just one campus. We're in 2 campuses.
00:11:09.019 --> 00:11:48.850
Plus, we have this online campus. The numbers are growing. The eyes more eyes are on us on a regular basis. Something that I had to learn is that the bigger we're growing, the less people really know me and you. Right. I want them to know my heart, but they don't know my heart because they don't know me. All they know us as most of them is who they see on the platform. Right. So what was happening is I wasn't making this transition and changing into this leader that would say things off the cuff. Right.
00:11:49.470 --> 00:12:15.225
And I knew I could get by with it because the people knew my heart. What I was learning, and this is a harsh reality, is the more people start watching you, the less you have to be able to interact with all of them so they don't know your heart. Mm-mm. And all they know you is by what you say. Right. So if I said something tongue in cheek, which for this Cuban community is a joke.
00:12:15.225 --> 00:12:35.485
Right. Tongue in cheek, man. I said it off the cuff. I said it as a joke. I was just putting it out there to get a laugh. What I learned was not everybody was laughing, and they were getting offended because they didn't really know me. What the podcast booth is able to do Right. Is us coming in here, and we've said it.
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We talk in here about things we can't talk about on Sunday. Is it allows people to get to know us more outside of just the church pulpit experience.
00:12:48.384 --> 00:13:03.475
Right. So they're not just hearing from us on Sunday in a sermon that's been crafted and prepared to deliver a message. Now they're healing our hearing our heart. Right. How do we feel about this? Why do we feel this way about this?
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Why our kids say certain things? Why they act certain ways?
00:13:08.049 --> 00:13:27.399
We're we're more intentional about our life now. We're able to put that out there for people, which is the gift that this podcast has given back to me and you is it's helping our people get to know us better and us even get to know our people better. So that's my reason.
00:13:27.399 --> 00:13:31.240
Why do you like the family pod business podcast with the Alessis?
00:13:31.240 --> 00:13:45.870
I would say for the same reason, I think. I don't have as much, exposure in the platform speaking as you do, so I sing more. So it's a I have a a little bit of a different role than you do at our church.
00:13:46.889 --> 00:13:54.384
But as I have begun to speak more, I'm feeling that pressure of, man, you gotta really watch the words you say and the jokes you make.
00:13:54.384 --> 00:15:22.464
And when people don't know you, they don't know your humor. They don't know your intentions. They don't really know. So they can quickly rush to judgment about you, even from the perspective of our relationship. Yeah. You know, they can make a judgment call on you and me just by how I might respond to you or a look I might give you or a a lack of response you might give me. Oh, he didn't laugh at that. She said that from the platform. He didn't laugh or vice versa. You know? People are they're they're looking at optics all the time. We are too. And, when there's less and less people that are able to spend that downtime when we are just really showing our heart through leadership training or when we used to go away on retreats. The the church was small enough that our people that are with us, like you said, they did they knew us. Yeah. They knew us. So now we're we're in a different place. This gives us the opportunity to, like you said, really share in long form what we believe about that situation. But we also get to kind of explain a lot of our relationship and how it works and, how we're both strong so that if they picked up from something optically that they saw on the platform or at church, they could be dead wrong. Mhmm.
00:15:22.524 --> 00:15:29.585
Absolutely, completely. They misread us. Mhmm. What don't we do that too? Yeah.
00:15:29.850 --> 00:15:59.115
Every one of us does that. When we don't really know someone, we make snap judgment. So this does allow us to kinda clear up some of that with people. Mhmm. And they get to feel close to us and feel like they know us, which then in turn gives us a lot more of, we're a lot more established in their hearts. It's relational equity. It really it really, really is. Yeah. That's one thing. The other thing that I like is I have a lot to say, and I don't get to say it.
00:15:59.115 --> 00:16:15.575
Well So the podcast gives me an opportunity to say what the heck I wanna say. Oh, and I was gonna say that since we're saying all these things, we have to say it. Right? What I wanna say is What you wanna say is what I'm gonna say. And I'm gonna say it. This is the gift that I think our podcast is that I appreciate with for you.
00:16:15.875 --> 00:16:42.289
You don't have an opportunity to say it all because they you're saying, and everybody loves your voice. And I love your voice, and it's so precious. If they don't get your wisdom. No. And and our family is what it is. Not because I'm this great guy. Our family is what it is is because both of us have a certain level of of wisdom that we come to the table with.
00:16:42.289 --> 00:17:11.759
Right. People get to hear my comments on a regular basis. They don't always get to hear your wisdom. And that's the thing that I so love about you when it comes time to you speaking. Sometimes you you get crafted in a sermon. That's all you are. But what people don't realize is outside of that sermon, you have so much more to say, and you say it with in a way that, gosh, I wish I had a camera to catch it.
00:17:12.240 --> 00:17:22.045
Because it it can't ever we can't put you in the spot in the moment to do it. It, like, just comes out of you. You did that one time in the podcast booth, though. I don't know if you remember. And did it happen?
00:17:22.345 --> 00:17:29.704
No. I I failed epically because you went, this is it. This is what she does, guys. This is it. Okay. Go. Go.
00:17:29.704 --> 00:17:43.548
Go, Mary. Just go. And my in my brain, I'm going, what am I gonna say? I don't know what I'm gonna say. Oh my gosh. And you set me up. And it was honest on your part, but it was an epic fail on my part. I don't know which podcast it was, but it was bad.
00:17:43.548 --> 00:18:09.286
Are you kidding? That's the part that I I love because I love them hearing this wisdom that has built our family, helped the 2 of us together. It's, we've built our family and ultimately built our ministry, which is our business. Yeah. And that's where this whole podcast originated from. You just gotta be able to sit with us on the patio. We had a great night last night by the night, by the way, on the patio. It was beautiful. We just sit and talk.
00:18:09.286 --> 00:18:39.115
It was the weather was great after monsooned in Miami For days. For days. And finally, was it was beautiful last night. And we sat our had our undocked chairs and had a good, conversation with Lulu. And you know what I've I noticed about myself? Maybe this is a season 7 conversation, but I'm just gonna pitch it here because we've got a couple minutes. You know what I've noticed? Go ahead. They say that men the intimacy is through sex. Right? And that women like conversation.
00:18:39.815 --> 00:18:46.619
And I I don't even know that I've stopped long enough to even process that thought. Oh, do I need that for intimacy?
00:18:47.240 --> 00:18:58.184
I have found that as I have gotten older, that those moments of just where you and I sit now Lauren was there, and we got into that conversation.
00:18:58.829 --> 00:19:24.595
But intimacy is I don't mean it always Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Sexually. I'm just saying we need intimacy differently. Women need it differently. And even having that moment where we didn't go in and watch something on Netflix, you went outside. I joined you outside. Then Lauren came out, and she were like, let's eat out here. And we just naturally gravitated because the weather was nice. And we had one of the most beautiful conversations about nothing.
00:19:24.894 --> 00:19:46.125
Mhmm. But it was such time well spent and the power of conversation, creating intimacy, not only with you and me, but us and our daughter having that one on one with her for about an hour and a half, and how it was good for her, it was good for us, it just rebooted everything.
00:19:46.904 --> 00:20:19.273
And I I, quite frankly, that's, I think, the power of a podcast because Well, you're getting me thinking about something here, and I I don't know if I could say it right. Don't. What is it? Whisper it. Don't say it. You scare me so bad. If you talking with me, is is is just it's a form of intimacy, then we could actually say Oh, no. Since we're talking family business podcast has helped our sex life. Okay.
00:20:19.894 --> 00:20:23.390
Maybe it has. Thank you. You know what? Wow.
00:20:23.849 --> 00:20:41.390
Maybe it has. Maybe it will help others. Oh. I don't know. I all I know is Wait a minute. You're going somewhere here. Let me get you that number again because if you wanna talk about sex life, then put it out there. 302-524-0800.
00:20:44.169 --> 00:21:02.509
Let us know what you want us to talk about, Podience. It will all be the husbands. Oh, man. This place will be filled with men. Or the women going, he won't talk to me. Oh. But can I say, though, talking and listening and receiving through that is an intimate act, and it's very healing?
00:21:03.130 --> 00:22:06.288
And I I commend podcast listeners because I I like a couple of podcasts, but, I think people that really lean in and subscribe to our podcast and listen regularly, there's healing in their lives because there's just something about sitting and listening and receiving and wanting to get information and to know us, to know how we tick, to to really wanna do their lives like we do our lives. There's something so beautiful about that. So all that to say, this is beautiful. This is healing, and thank you to all of our listeners and our subscribers. And we hope that season 7 Mhmm. Is going to be even more healing and more resourcing for you and your family. Yeah. I'm I'm excited about what's ahead coming ahead because this has been, this has been, not only a venture for ministry, but it's it's kind of like been a a test for us. And I know 6 seasons were into it, but we're still, like, in that testing mode.
00:22:06.288 --> 00:22:24.839
Because what I'm excited about is from this podcast booth right here. Okay? We we have relationships that are set up that is actually, connecting with other podcasts. So for instance, our, producer here, AP, he has his own podcast, God in gigs. Yeah. It's awesome.
00:22:24.900 --> 00:23:12.595
That's that's part just his his knowledge, what he brings to the table for in worship leaders and musicians Yes. And what that sounds like, looks like in the average individual's life that is involved in music in a church or in the industry, that's a powerful relationship that we have. That's right. So with our family business podcast, we've got that connection with AP and his God in gigs. New this year was the wonderful devotional with our girls. That's right. My morning devotional. Yeah. My morning devotional. And Allison was able to, Della Motta, was able to help us, with that because that was her brainchild, her baby, and then she brought us into a partnership. That's wonderful. Another wonderful podcast to be connected with. Yeah.
00:23:12.674 --> 00:25:09.279
As we go in, I'm I'm really pushing and believing that you and your twin sister, Martha, are gonna, launch a podcast for, you know, 1, wives that work with their spouse in ministries Right. But also worship leaders Right. That work with pastors and with teams, and what that looks like songwriting, what that looks like to then write songs with members of your team, for your church, and for the world, but also be working with your kids. Both of you work full time with your daughters. You're all songwriters. There's something so much value that you bring to the table that I would love for our our family business podcast audience to be able to gain from. So we're we're looking at more of this going forward because we have these wonderful studios. We we want you to hear the heart that is behind who we are, not just the information that we give out on a regular basis. We really want you to know our heart. And meanwhile, what we've been able to accomplish in our life has been intentional through certain principles that we've adopted. And as we keep laying those principles out, it could continue to enhance our listeners' lives. And that's what we're hoping for. Yeah. So we can't say it enough. Let us know what you would like for us to talk about. We'll go there. Mhmm. We will. And most people, they just wanna know how to get through their situation raising their kids or getting through their marriages and their relationships. Mhmm. There's not enough resource out there. There's just not. I read recently, I did not know this statistic, but 48% of America is single. 48% is single. That means Half of the people listening to us are single. Are single. So that shows you even knowing our own demographic of people that listen to our what our audience is going through. We don't wanna just come in here and say whatever. We wanna make sure.
00:25:09.279 --> 00:25:24.299
We if this is our heart, that we are connecting with our audience personally, intimately. We are resourcing you. We are adding value for value, as Alan always tells us, so that it is a podcast you don't wanna miss because you need it every week.
00:25:24.599 --> 00:25:57.619
So let us know down to the the heart of the matter, whatever you're dealing with, we will do our best to dive into that subject. And if it's something we might not know, we'll bring in somebody that's an expert and does know. Because we wanna make sure as we're moving into this next season that we are aiming the bull's eye towards our audience to help them through life. This is not an entertainment platform. Mhmm. This is not an entertainment podcast. We are this podcast is not to stir up controversy and then talk about other this is not a an opinion podcast.
00:25:58.160 --> 00:26:01.380
We really are like a group therapy.
00:26:02.204 --> 00:26:35.398
How can we help take what we've learned, being through a lot in our lives, raising our kids, being in ministry together, working side by side, and help help our audience Yeah. And help our audience get through that. I can talk. I I harp up our audience. No. I talk about our top heart monitor. Well Talk. Yeah. Well, as we bring this one in for a close, I hope our audience is able to follow us on all of our social media platforms. Yes. Please do. We're on Instagram. We're on Facebook. Yes. We are not on TikTok. Nope. And that's just our stance.
00:26:36.099 --> 00:26:43.305
Even our kids aren't on TikTok, but we are on Instagram, and we're on Facebook for sure. Yes.
00:26:43.684 --> 00:26:54.845
Individually, Steve Alessi, Mary Alessi. We're also the family business podcast is on Instagram. And so that's a great, follow for you.
00:26:54.845 --> 00:27:35.365
So you stay aware of what our subject matter is going to be, programming and such. And then we have our follow. We want you to go ahead and make sure you are getting the text feed. Okay? I'm a go back and give you that number again. 30252 408100 so that we can hear from you and we communicate with you as well. All of that's our way of trying to stay connected with you as we get ready to move into season 7, and we just want you to stay connected with us. And when you, like, hear something that you like, definitely subscribe, like, and send it.
00:27:35.365 --> 00:27:49.605
Pass it on. Forward it to as many people that you know in your friendship circle that likes what you like. Right. Because that could be a real blessing. So Awesome. Season 6 coming to a close. It's been a great one. Big thank you, Mary. You've done great this season.
00:27:49.683 --> 00:28:12.035
Amazing. It's been a good season. Thanks to our kids. They all shared along the way. Yes. They did. To Alan Paul, who's doing a great job leading us and helping us. And, also thanks to Ashley. She's in the back. Our engineer. Making sure everything sounds good. And then I think we've even had in here, Johnny has helped us. Yep.
00:28:12.035 --> 00:29:00.045
Caleb's helped. And Caleb. And so Got a great team. All of that wonderful team helping us get the messages out for this family business podcast where family is everybody's business. What do you wanna say before we close out? Thank you for listening, and we are do you want me to tag it and close it? Hey. If you feel up to it, do it. I never do these well. Well, you got about a minute and 50 seconds to do it, so take your time. Thank you for listening to another episode of the Alessi Woah. Okay. Well Cut. Do it again. Now you got a minute 40 seconds. Thank you for listening to another episode of the family business with the Alessis. It's all your coffee mug. Hey. It's all my coffee mug. It's all the t shirts. I don't know why I can't get it right.
00:29:00.345 --> 00:29:03.970
And I'm a yapper. I'm a yappuccino drinker. You can be too.
00:29:04.048 --> 00:29:07.349
No. Seriously, guys. Thank you. And here we come season 7.
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00:29:48.984 --> 00:30:06.041
Finally, while you're on our page, tap the reviews tab, and you'll see a link to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. We love reading your reviews, and we might even share them on the show. Thanks again for joining us, and we'll see you next time at the Family Business with the Alessis, because family is everybody's business.