The in-laws meet at the Family Business table to share how they are adjusting to married life, all while becoming part a generational family legacy.
The in-laws meet at the Family Business table to share how they are adjusting to married life, all while becoming part a generational family legacy.
The Family Business has TWO new members, and they're ready to share what it's like to join this unique family!
In this episode, we introduce Christopher Muina, who married Stephanie (Alessi) in June of 2021, and Richelle Alessi (formerly Verdugo) who is now married to Chris Alessi. In just a few short months, both of these young adults became part of the Alessi family.
Richelle and her family have been members of Metro Life Church for several years, and she is currently completing her college degree. Christopher Alessi proposed to her in the midst of the pandemic in 2020, and they were married in February 2021.
Christopher Muina came to our church mid-2020 and met Stephanie, who he first saw during an online service. He proposed near the end of 2020 and they were married in June of 2021. He works as a teacher in a local high-school, and has embraced his new role in the family business at Metro Life.
While they are now officially members of the Alessi family, Richelle and Christopher are not new to ministry, and they both had to discover how their individual lives would fit into the calling and purpose that their spouses were dedicated to. In this podcast they share their stories before becoming part of our family, and explain how they are integrating their lives with the mission of Metro Life Church and a generational family legacy.
0:00 Introducing the New Alessis
4:34 Life Before the Alessis
10:00 Joining the Alessi Family
12:30 - The “Talk”
14:40 Overcoming Intimidation
17:35 Marrying the Church
21:30 Getting a Word In…
23:26 Receiving the Blessing
33:42 TFB Question of the Day
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Steve Alessi:
We want to welcome you to another episode of the Alessi family business podcast. And we're pretty excited today because if we had to title this one, we would call it the in laws. This is going to be kind of fun today because I'm sitting here at the table with my newest family members, a new son in law, Christopher Muina, and a new daughter in law, Richelle Alessi, she brought the Alessi name back, because Muina stole one of the Alessi names. So here we are, we're spending some time around the table. One of the reasons we're doing it is because some of you who are our listeners have asked for special guests, and you all are some of the requested guests. They wanted to get to know you and hear from you. And if you have questions for us, then you can go to our Alessi family business.com and you can find it right there a place where you can submit some questions and even of them. We'd love to be able to keep them in the loop since you guys are now part of the Alessi family. This is cool. So you want to say hi to everybody, Chris?
Christopher Muina:
Yeah. Well, thank you for having me. And Richelle on here. I knew it was coming. So you did, you prompted us. But now I'm excited, excited to be on here and kind of...I get asked on Sunday mornings, what's it like to be now part of the pastoral family
Steve Alessi:
come on
Christopher Muina:
part of the church and stuff. So it's great. I think people want to know, and I think we're happy to tell them our experience. It's been nothing but good experiences.So...
Steve Alessi:
up to this point. Yeah. All right. Richelle, you want to say hello?
Richelle Alessi:
Yes! Hello, everybody. I'm really excited to be here. I didn't know I was going to be here so soon. So I was not expecting it. But I'm really happy to be here and have some real talk.
Steve Alessi:
Real talk,we have brought Richelle's microphone up real loud, because she's between two guys, which is so interesting, just sitting around the table. We got... she's surrounded by Chris and I for those that are listening and can't see it on the video. she's surrounded by... I call him Muina. And the reason I call him Muina is because we have two Chris's in the family. So I refer to him as Muina. And so she's surrounded by Muina and I, we're the book ends. And she's the tiniest person at the table, and she's got the most room at the table. But I think she's also got the biggest smile at the table. So this is going to be pretty fun. So I will say this as part of our intro. behind the glass over here is the studio and it's loaded with not only Jon and Allen Paul as he's always part of it. But we have in there Christopher Alessi and he's like rooting for you.
Richelle Alessi:
Steve Alessi:
Richelle. Stephanie's over there hoping Muina set doesn't say anything that's going to embarrass her. And then we have mom and even I see Jackie Roman in there. And then Ashlie, she's always the quiet one in the corner that helps us. Alright. So a year ago, this would not have been possible. Not only because we didn't have the podcast, but because you guys weren't in the family. That's right. Wow. It was just over a year ago that Christopher actually asked for your hand in marriage.
Richelle Alessi:
Yes. July 3.
Steve Alessi:
July 3 of 2020. In the middle of COVID.
Richelle Alessi:
Steve Alessi:
Wow. And you had just come on the scene. I think you've gone on one or two dates with Stephanie out about this time. Wow. And it shows us how quick God can move.
Richelle Alessi:
Steve Alessi:
... in people's lives. And our family is ...I'm getting choked up already. I cannot believe it. I'mma need tissues. I've got a feeling but it just shows how... how quick God can move. And so at the beginning, let me just say about you two, and I mean it. Thank you, Ashlie. I'm glad you're with us in the family. You're both a blessing.
Richelle Alessi:
Thank you.
Christopher Muina:
Thank you. I'm glad I'm here too.
Steve Alessi:
Yeah. Oh, man. Okay, big question. Tell us a little about yourself first, and we're gonna let you go first. Richelle.
Richelle Alessi:
Okay, so I am married to your son, Christopher Alessi. And right now, I'm actually a senior in college. I'm almost done. only have two semesters left. And I am studying public relations and advertising. And I'm actually working also here at the church.
Steve Alessi:
Yes, you are.
Richelle Alessi:
And it's been one of the the most wonderful experiences.
Steve Alessi:
Richelle Alessi:
And I'm privileged to be able to work here. So...
Steve Alessi:
Richelle Alessi:
It's been fun.
Steve Alessi:
And you've been married a few months. We won't put...
Richelle Alessi:
Five months.
Steve Alessi:
There you go, yeah, five months. And how's that working?
Richelle Alessi:
That's great.
Steve Alessi:
Yeah. Is he treating you right?
Richelle Alessi:
He is. He's the best.
Steve Alessi:
Is he?
Richelle Alessi:
Yes, he is.
Steve Alessi:
Well, he's learned from the best. What can we say? Muina, tell us about yourself.
Christopher Muina:
Well, I was raised in Miami. I went to dade, Miami Dade College, I got my undergrad in business there. And then I went to UM And I studied Marine Science there. So I got my masters there. I currently teach at a high school, local high school, Westminster Christian. And I'm married to your eldest daughter.
Steve Alessi:
Christopher Muina:
Stephanie Alessi, Muina now... still I still forget that sometimes. And yeah, married life is a lot of fun.
Steve Alessi:
Christopher Muina:
It's a lot of fun. It's the way it should be.
Steve Alessi:
a month into it.
Christopher Muina:
a month, not a few days ago was a month into it.
Steve Alessi:
Let me just say thank you for letting her keep Alessi in her name. That's very cool. A lot of Latins. Some, some do that... as their tradition, some of the, I guess more Spanish from some of the other countries, Latin American countries. They keep their.... their, I guess their maiden name. But Steph is taken on Muina. And she's keeping the Alessi in the middle of that which is nice, it's sweet.
Christopher Muina:
He really wanted to honor that name.
Steve Alessi:
Christopher Muina:
And hold on to it. And...
Steve Alessi:
Christopher Muina:
It's fine.
Steve Alessi:
Yeah, some guys may have a problem with it. Most, some Americans but I'm glad you're strong enough big enough to not let that be an issue. Tell me a little about your family. What do you come from a big family, Richelle.
Richelle Alessi:
I'm actually the second oldest from seven. So that's that's my family. We... I grew up. My best friends were my siblings.
Steve Alessi:
Richelle Alessi:
And til this day my best friends are my sisters.
Steve Alessi:
Richelle Alessi:
And I loved it. Because coming to your family, it was also a big family.
Steve Alessi:
Richelle Alessi:
So that I enjoy because I don't feel like... I'm gaining now new family, but it's also big. Yeah. So I love it. Because I grew up in a big family...
Steve Alessi:
.... and you're surrounded by girls. You got three on your end three on this end? Wow...
Richelle Alessi:
Steve Alessi:
that worked. And you were it was nice in your wedding party to see all those girls up there
Richelle Alessi:
Yes. I used to tell Chris, I was very lucky. Because it was the easiest wedding party ever. Because I knew those girls would be in my life forever. Yeah. And I love that because I when I see the pictures and it's them. I just, I love it.
Steve Alessi:
Yeah. Great pics. Tell us about your family, Chris.
Christopher Muina:
So my mom and dad, they're also... they're Cuban. But they're... they live here in Miami and I have an older sister. She has two boys. So I have two nephews.
Steve Alessi:
Christopher Muina:
They've been just a joy and a pleasure to be their uncle.
Steve Alessi:
Christopher Muina:
And I grew up very close to my cousins. There were all in my wedding.
Steve Alessi:
And that was nice.
Christopher Muina:
That's... family for me is very important. And I've kind of kept them very close. It's nice to join this family who also has the same values.
Steve Alessi:
Yeah. And that was really cool because your mom and dad came to church. They were on a fishing expedition. Because you had seen Stephanie online before you actually came to church. And so they were coming to check out everything and making sure the church would be a good place for you and and that was very nice that they could do so and I learned something about your father, Manuel Muina. He was a royal Ranger commander over at one of the ...actually one of the members of our church's ...parent's church in here in Miami in a Royal Ranger Commander. Were you a Royal Ranger?
Christopher Muina:
I was.
Steve Alessi:
What were you do you remember?
Christopher Muina:
I was, I did them all. I think I ended at pioneers.
Steve Alessi:
Yeah, yeah. Yeah, that's where I think I stopped. I wanted to get it to be a trailblazer so bad. It was the buckaroos....
Jon Roman:
straight arrows.
Steve Alessi:
Well, oh, wait a minute... Jon's getting it on this because Jon was a Royal Ranger
Jon Roman:
straight arrow
Steve Alessi:
straight arrows,
Jon Roman:
Steve Alessi:
Jon Roman:
Steve Alessi:
Jon Roman:
And then trailblazers.
Steve Alessi:
Jon Roman:
And I got to Trail Ranger.
Steve Alessi:
No way.
Jon Roman:
Steve Alessi:
yeah. And that's why we can change a car tire today, because we learned how to change car tires in Royal Rangers.
Christopher Muina:
That's why we probably all love the outdoors and fishing and hunting and stuff because we were exposed to those things.
Steve Alessi:
Christopher Muina:
as a kid.
Steve Alessi:
You know, Gabby was so cute. The other day she goes, dad, we need to bring it back. So get ready, Manny. I'm gonna call you. We're going to talk about getting a chapter of the RR's here at the church for some of our young guns. They really do need it.
Jon Roman:
I'm still ready.
Steve Alessi:
You're ready? Jon ready
Jon Roman:
for anything right Chris?
Steve Alessi:
Good. Yeah, we learned back then. What was the Ranger code to live by the Ranger code? What was that?
Jon Roman:
We are Ready, ready for anything ready to work, serve, play, obey, worship, live, etc.
Steve Alessi:
Yep, I remember. There you go, there you go. Okay, so here's another big question. People get to know you a little bit. And I encourage everyone to come on in when they see you, get to know you, because both Richelle and Muina, they definitely can carry their own in a conversation. But what is it like marrying into the Alessi family, Richelle?
Richelle Alessi:
it's been, it's been really awesome. I have to say, I think at the beginning, it was a little intimidating. Because, you know, you were my pastors.
Steve Alessi:
Richelle Alessi:
And I still had the respect. So I had to balance now a new relationship, because I was coming to the family. So you will be my father in law, you know, when we're at your house, but I still had that respect. And I never wanted to cross those boundaries. But being more and more around it, seeing that dynamic of the whole family was so sweet. And it was so encouraging. Because you see, all the girls are so talented. Every single one of them. Yeah, Pastor Mary is so talented. You are so talented. But seeing you in your homes was... it was different. But it was even, I feel like I loved you even more then. , because you guys were so sweet, so genuine, and so relational. And you cared for me. And, and I loved it. So it was it was intimidating at the beginning.
Steve Alessi:
Richelle Alessi:
But if you guys made it so easy for me.
Steve Alessi:
That is true. People don't think about that. Just the whole.... the roles having to be sensitive to what hat the parents or the in laws are wearing. Because you know, it's the pastor thing. And then it's the parent thing. No doubt, there's some stuff to juggle there. How about you, Muina?
Christopher Muina:
I was able to see that your family is very transparent. What you see at church is the same thing that's going on at home.
Steve Alessi:
For real? You know, and I don't want to pay you to say that. I want you to be honest here.
Christopher Muina:
For real? Yeah.
Steve Alessi:
Christopher Muina:
...that's... what you see is what you get with your family. Yeah. And that was really refreshing to see, I didn't feel like I had to be someone who I wasn't or kind of put on an act to impress you, because you're the pastor. I would just be myself because I saw that you guys were being yourself. You were welcomed me with open arms. And we had the talk like four days after I met Stephanie. You told me just treat her well.
Steve Alessi:
Christopher Muina:
Steve Alessi:
explain what that talk is. What are you referring to?
Christopher Muina:
I was interested in getting to know Stephanie, and I didn't - I was - we were at your house. Because there was like a game night with a bunch of friends from church. It was one of the first kind of interactions I had with, well, first time going to your home and just with people from the church. And so I didn't want to, I guess start something without kind of going through you first because you are the head of the household and her father. So we kind of talked and I told you my intentions.
Steve Alessi:
Christopher Muina:
...of just getting to know her. And it was there by the pool. You told me treat her well. Show her respect. And you're welcome.
Steve Alessi:
Christopher Muina:
And you've never, never put on like, you've never made me feel intimidated or, or nervous to be around you. And I think that's brought us closer, because I've been able to come to you... with, you know, struggles or problems or just plans that I have. And it's really opened the door for the ...for our relationship to really flourish.
Steve Alessi:
That's good. And you did, you came out and this was really funny, cuz you and I were having a serious conversation outside. And from what I heard, all the other friends and everybody that was on the inside, they were looking through the window and watching how it all happened. And, and you were man enough, I liked that about you. Of course you're... you're not a kid, you're 30 now, you're 32 but... you were 31. And he came down and you were saying, hey, I want to talk to you about my intentions. I like that verbiage when you said it, I want to share with you my intentions with Stephanie and let you know where this is going. And just so you're aware and get your blessing on it. And it was really a good conversation. I remember two things in particular. One, the question was, when are you going to ever leave Miami? And you were like, no, this is my home. So that that was a shoo in for us. That was great. And then the other thing you said, which I thought was so cool. You said, you know, I'm gonna provide for Steph, I can't provide what she has right now. But give me some time and I'm going to provide for her a wonderful living like she's... like she has here and that was really good because I loved seeing that you were thinking long term. So ...Well, some people would say hey, that's a bit intimidating to marry into the family like this. So was it intimidating at any time, Richelle?
Richelle Alessi:
At the beginning, yes a little bit. But like I said, It was, like Chris said, You guys made it so easy for us. Because you were very welcoming. I would tell when friends would come or people would ask me, you know, dealing with family could be difficult. And my sisters and parents would tell me, you know, dealing with sisters can be difficult. But I just couldn't relate, because all your girls made it so easy for me. They were so sweet, so understanding, so welcoming, and no moment I ever felt like I was coming in and I just didn't fit in.
Steve Alessi:
Richelle Alessi:
And you guys always just said, all you have to do is be you. We don't need anybody else. But you. And every single time you guys would say that to me. It was like, oh, wow, you're right. And that intimidation really just go away.
Steve Alessi:
Richelle Alessi:
Because the truth is you... you guys were right. You loved me for who I was. And that's who you guys wanted. And that just immediately made me feel even more comfortable. And yeah. That's good.
Steve Alessi:
How about you any intimidation at all? I mean, dealing with Christopher Alessi is intimidating.
Christopher Muina:
No, to be honest, no. It was... I think there's always kind of a learning curve of....
Steve Alessi:
Christopher Muina:
Okay,how do we interact? How do we go about certain things, but I wouldn't say intimidating, especially when, when we saw that kind of the Lord was... was leading this. He was opening the doors. So if he's doing the work, then all you got to do is walk through it.
Steve Alessi:
Yeah. Yeah. And that seemed to be the case, even with staff to see her desire, the place in her life where she was at, and how God just brought that in, was... was definitely an open door that the Lord allowed to happen. So we talk about as a family, we recognize that we are in a...kind of a fish bowl, we live in a glass house. People from the outside, are always looking not just because of what we do as a job. They really see it as ....we're just constantly under the microscope of scrutiny, and of leadership, where someone says, Well, I want to do it like that. But also, when they're saying I want to do it like that, they want it to be perfect. So you guys stepped into this thing, not only with our family. But I think with you, Richelle, this was a little more, this may have been a little easier. Because you were with us for a good seven years prior to you and Christopher starting your relationship. But here's the thing, you didn't just marry the Alessi family. Because of what we do for a living, the ministry of Metro Life Church, you also married the church. That's not easy. So how did that feel?
Richelle Alessi:
That felt... it was different. And I always tell this story that when I was younger, my dream wedding was 50 people. I said my weddings can be 50 people, just my family and his family, a few close friends. Because I liked smaller gatherings with people that I really cared about. And when Chris asked me to marry him, and I said, Yes, I knew that was not going to be the case at all.
Steve Alessi:
Richelle Alessi:
And you know, I was okay with that. Because I wanted to marry him. And I would do whatever that was. And we planned two receptions.
Steve Alessi:
Richelle Alessi:
so we could involve all of our church family. And in the process, sometimes it was a lot of work. When we were done, we were finally married. I looked back, and I felt so blessed by a whole church family. And I really saw how we would have not been able to do that without them.
Steve Alessi:
Richelle Alessi:
And it was sweet because some of these women had been praying since Chris was little.
Steve Alessi:
Richelle Alessi:
...for him to find his wife. And some of the women that knew me had been praying for my husband when I came to the church.
Steve Alessi:
Richelle Alessi:
So to see that now come, we knew that we had to involve them, because they were part of it as well. So it was... it was really great.
Steve Alessi:
Richelle Alessi:
Steve Alessi:
Yeah. Muina you have been a part of the Christian community down here in Miami for a while and you come into this church. This is... this is harder for the guy. I think, I think the woman is prone to follow the husband. The husband gets involved... and now he's, he's the lead, and here's where at. You're the lead. But you're being told, okay. You can lead and to lead your family but this fam.... this Metro >ife Church family, is part of your family as well. You just can't scoop up your bride and the two of you go off to live happily ever after. Your.... you're taking a couple of 1000 people with you. How does that fit in, sync into how you're processing, right now, this marriage?
Christopher Muina:
Well, I think like you said, Well, since I was I was raised in the church and the past probably five years. I feel like the Lord has really been preparing me for this. I mean, he does that in our lives, whether we know it or not.
Steve Alessi:
Christopher Muina:
And I feel like I'm called to build the church now what? how that looks? We'll find out.
Steve Alessi:
Yeah. So to marry Stephanie, and then you say, I'm also marrying the church. It's kind of like, I'm okay with that. Okay, so I have received, the church congregation has received me with open arms. And you've really built the church around relationship. And it's so noticeable, because they've welcomed me with open arms. And, and it's been great to get to know everybody and to see those relationships and to build them and to kind of grow in that. But you have, you've married Metro. That's not easy. That's not an easy, easy assignment. But you're doing it. And we appreciate that you can pick up on that right there, that Yeah, I see that this is just bigger than us four, no more, and what we're able to do within... I mean, right now, you work for the church. Muina works in Westminster as a teacher. He's at school, five days a week. And then on the weekend, he doesn't get two days off. He gets a day, if he's lucky on Saturday with the two of them. And then Sunday, half your day is absorbed because you are here now, pastoring, helping us minister to our church family. That's not easy. But you guys are doing it. Okay, so on another completely non spiritual question. I'll ask Muina first. It gets loud around the dinner table at the house. Am I right?
Christopher Muina:
Steve Alessi:
Who's the loudest?
Christopher Muina:
Probably my wife.
Steve Alessi:
That's good. Who's the loudest who you think the loudest?
Richelle Alessi:
I was gonna say my husband?!
Steve Alessi:
That's good. Yeah, well, I think Gabby is but anyhow, we won't do that to her. She's not in the room. So how do you fit in? Chris? How do you get in on the conversation? Do you raise your hand? Do you? How do you do it?
Christopher Muina:
Well, I'm a little bit more quiet and soft spoken.
Steve Alessi:
Christopher Muina:
I kind of enjoy just listening a lot of times. But then again, I was ...my parents. My family's Cuban. So that kind of big family loud atmosphere, it's not foreign. And whenever I want to say something, I'll try to sneak it in.
Steve Alessi:
Yeah, we'll have flags. Right turn? Yeah. But it does. I'm glad to hear you say that, that you don't mind listening. Because I feel responsible sometimes. Okay, I got to pull... I got to pull the quiet one into the conversation. Let someone... Let me ask her questions. Stop, you know, stop talking over there. Chris. Let's, let's ask Richelle. But it's cute. Because even Chris will say Richelle. Richelle, tell him the story about...
Richelle Alessi:
Yes, he does.
Steve Alessi:
So how do you get into the conversation?
Richelle Alessi:
Usually Chris does that. Like, tell him about this, and he helps me. But I'm similar. Like you I am more quiet. But I love listening. I actually really do enjoy sitting down and listening. But I love the loud family. Because I grew up in that loud family. So when I go over now, your family, it's loud too. And I just I love it. Yeah. And yeah, I do get to speak.
Steve Alessi:
Richelle Alessi:
I do. And you usually say what do you think? or have Chrissay tell him about this? So we I think we all get our turn.
Steve Alessi:
Yeah, yeah. And already. And if I can say this without crying, and you're probably won't cry, Richelle that is. We had our pastors over the house not too long ago, and we were around the dinner table. And it was really a special moment because they wanted to have communion with us in our home. We were having communion after we had some food. They said, you know, here's what we want to do. They they were actually wanting to renew the covenant. This is our pastors, wanting to renew the covenant that they had, have had with us. And now in this season, they wanted to renew it. So it was a very spiritual moment. We were having fun, had a good conversation, but then it turned and it got real serious. And in the middle of that, you know, our our whole family has been spoken over, prophesied over, spoken into by Pastor Mike and Kathy, but you had not and you were there. Muina was not there. I don't believe. You and Steph, I think were out. Yes, because you just got married the day before, so y'all were gone. But in that moment, they took a few minutes to just pour into you. How did that feel?
Richelle Alessi:
I had never experienced that before and I left very overwhelmed, but in a great way.
Steve Alessi:
Richelle Alessi:
Because I that moment I really felt seen, but in a... in a different level. And there were people that we knew, they're your pastors and they had been part of our lives. And they've always been kind. They were there for my wedding as well. And they spoke over us. But I, they didn't know me that much personally. But when they got to the moment, and they did that, it was so special, I felt very blessed. Because, like I mentioned, that had never happened. So my reaction part of me was like, what did I even say to this, you know, but the other part was, God was truly just listening to everything I was thinking, to everything that I was praying about. And it was beautiful, because Pastor Mary knows some of those struggles as well. She's been with me through some of those. And just hearing them speak some of those things over my life. It was, it was very touching. It was emotional. For me it was, I cried in front of people. And I don't do that.
Steve Alessi:
Richelle Alessi:
And I went home, and I made sure I wrote everything down, because I wanted to remember those moments. And what I got from all of that was coming back to what you guys would tell me and it was, be yourself. Stay true to yourself. We don't need anybody else but you. So...
Steve Alessi:
Yeah, those are important, special moments, I think each of our, our family members can almost take you back to at least the location when we were in a church service. Interestingly, it's...a most of it's happened in other venues, not here at our home church, because we're in that place of leadership. But when we go to some of those other conferences and stuff, we are in a position to receive. And we would always sit up close. And whenever we sit up close in those environments, then we are a target. It's like the Lord says, Alright, here's the word that's coming to you. And so we've all been ministered to, prophesied over in those environments, which has helped us navigate and feel secure. It affirmed what we were doing, it helped us feel more secure in our gifting. Because all of us have a tendency to feel a little intimidated with our gift. Because we don't always feel as though our gift is what it could be compared to some of the other powerful gifts that are in ministry. So when we go to those environments, the Lord always blesses and it's like, boom, we get that attention. And that particular night was very special, and be honest with you, I feel like my role in this as now your father in law's...my role in this is to make sure you... you are caught up to speed, because we've had the time to be poured into. And we recognize how it's helped us be who we are today. I can hardly imagine what it is, what you are dealing with, when you come to the church environment like this. Outside of church, it's cool. But when we get into what we do for a living, it's not easy for you all to step in and either step on that platform to, both of your singing right now on the platform, to step on that platform or to meet people that you're now starting to lead in little environments. It's not easy. So my job as not just the pastor of this church, but to now of our family be the father and father in law, is to make sure you both are caught up to speed and like, let's...let's get them affirmed, let's find their...their place where they feel they can contribute because both of you need to feel like this is your family. This is your church. This is your ministry. And if it is then you fitting in, bringing your gifts and talent to the table is going to be so important. So that's why that day was so .... special because we were able to say, hey, do us a favor, Pastor Mike, Kathy, what do you what do you want to pour into Richelle? Because here she is. Just speak to her. And they were able to do that. And it was very special and Muina you're gonna see more and more these moments and opportunities that are going to come your way and that's our job as a family. Everybody's got to be on the same speed, up to speed, on the same page, up to speed flowing, because you have a role to play and God didn't just put you to be a spouse to our kids. God puts you to be a part of this family. And amazing how, just a year ago, that was not the case. And yet, look how far we have come.
Richelle Alessi:
Steve Alessi:
That's been special.
Christopher Muina:
Steve Alessi:
It inspires other families and other young adults that are out there that are waiting for somebody to come into their lives. I mean, I don't want to cry again. But I had no idea. Clapping just so you know, I'm here. But this time, when I was sitting here are a year ago 2020, that my dad would be gone. So 2020 took a hit with COVID. And then losing my dad was, was crazy. But then you guys, God gives us you two to come into our lives. And it balanced the scale. It really has. And you two are an tremendous blessing to our family, to Mary and I, which by the way, I couldn't let Mary or Chris or Steph get in here or else they do more talking than even I'm doing. You are a tremendous blessing to our family and our church family, as well. So I thank you for that. And let me start to bring this thing down to, for a close this way. Tell me first Muina What do you want people to know about you?
Christopher Muina:
Like me personally?
Steve Alessi:
Christopher Muina:
Well, I mean, I love the outdoors. I love anything that has to do with being outside whether they're hunting, fishing, surfing, mountain biking. Anything that that gets me out there and which is I think, I mean, God knows what he's doing. Because you love to hunt.
Steve Alessi:
Christopher Muina:
And we've been able to connect like that in that way. Stephanie loves...She likes to surf. That's something we both have in common. And she loves being out there.... We took out fishing on our honeymoon and she loved it. So on a personal level, that type of stuff.
Steve Alessi:
Is that why you're adventure Chris? On your Instagram?
Christopher Muina:
Yeah, I mean, that handle has kind of taken off. But I've always kind of liked adventure and things to get me out of my comfort zone. A little danger.
Steve Alessi:
Tell us real quick. What did you do back? I don't know a few years ago, you rode your bike, mountain bike. How far?
Christopher Muina:
Yeah, my brother and brother in law and I we we rode from Colorado to, to Utah. So it was like 250 miles.
Steve Alessi:
How long did it take you?
Christopher Muina:
Seven days.
Steve Alessi:
Oh my gosh, what a week.
Christopher Muina:
Yeah. So anything that gets me outside and the blood pumping the heart racing? I enjoy. I love that.
Steve Alessi:
Richelle Alessi:
Steve Alessi:
Tell us what you want people to know about you that maybe they don't right now.
Richelle Alessi:
Okay, so right now currently, right now, I have different hobbies, so different times. But right now, I love baking.
Steve Alessi:
Richelle Alessi:
When I got married, I made a decision to get good at cooking and baking. Because I wasn't good at it at all. So now we started and I think I got better. But then I started to make too many sweets. So then we were like, okay, we need to go back to being healthy. So now I'm learning how to make healthy food. So we stay on a good weight.
Steve Alessi:
Wow. Yeah. Good luck with that.
Richelle Alessi:
Thank you.
Steve Alessi:
Well, we see some of those pictures Christopher's so proudly sends over of what you're baking and well, I'm glad both of you bring your, your strengths to the table. Why don't we... I'm going to ask Chris, Mary, Steph... Come on in here real quick because they're going to be a part of this. I'd like to end with a question. It's a surprise question. Here they all come just come make your way around back. Yep. There we go. We'll get you all in. Hey, I think they did pretty good. What do you think? Yeah. Okay, so I want Chris to hold up his hand in a fist. Come on Richelle, hold up your hand in a fist. You ready? Now here's what I want you to do. Ready? I want you with a show of fingers to show us how many kids you want to have. And be honest. They asked me so seven grand. seven people. Okay, so here's another question. And this is from Mary. Oh, you're Ready, and I just want you to blurt it out. We'll let you go first. How soon do you want to have your first one?
Richelle Alessi:
A year
Steve Alessi:
A year?!
Christopher Muina:
Two years, two years.
Steve Alessi:
I'm gonna be old, Muina we may have to work on that. Well, that's it. That's part of the family, the in laws that are now part of our family. And we hope today you were able to get to know Christopher Muina as well as Richelle Alessi. She has been a Verdugo. But now she is an Alessi and we're so glad for that. I think they did a great job. Yes, they did. Thanks for joining us on our podcast today.
Chris Alessi:
Thanks for listening to the Family Business podcast with the Alessis. We appreciate you listening and learning with us as we just shared more about the family business. You know, I bet there's someone you know who can use this kind of advice and encouragement. So make sure to share this episode with them and their family. Because let's face it, family is everyone's business. If you want to be a part of our family, subscribe to the show right now on your favorite app and make sure to download the episodes so you can hear them at any time. Oh, and one more thing. One of the best ways to help us spread the word about the family business with the Alessis is by reviewing the show on Apple podcasts or your favorite app. So help us out, write a review and join us next time at the family business podcast with the Alessis.