Being a grandparent can be joyous and fulfilling - but it's not always simple. Especially when grandkids are being, well, kids. How do well-meaning grandparents maintain the right posture when it comes to setting standards, w...
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Grandparent with Grace! How to Manage Discipline Issues with Your Grandkids
Does facing the truth in your home feel like lighting a fuse?
When your family has to face the inevitable disagreements that happen in every home, you have two choices - you can embrace uncomfortable but healthy conversations, or you can allow unhealthy responses that lead to more pain later on.
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When Truth Hurts: How to Handle Family Conflicts with Healthy Communication | S7 E20
Afraid that your holiday family gatherings will turn into political battles instead of a joyful reunions?
In our latest episode, we dive into preserving family unity during the holidays when political tensions run high.
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Tension at the Table? How to Steer Clear of Politics at Family Christmas Celebrations | S7 E15
Are your family vacations are more stressful than restful? Do you cringe at the thought of the time and expense of taking your family out-of-town?
Maybe it's time to re-prioritize your holiday getaways.
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Holiday Getaway! Why Family Vacations Are Even More Important Than You Think | S7 E13
Just how important is a man's role in the family? In this episode we uncover the peace and stability families can enjoy when husbands and fathers lead their families with courage and confidence.
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Your King Era: Why We Need Men to Step Forward and Lead Their Families
How do you teach your children the RIGHT way to handle cash? Steve Alessi sits down with his son Chris Alessi to answer the eternal question all parents face - do we give kids allowance or make them do chores to earn money?
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Allowance or No Allowance? How to Confidently Raise Cash Smart Kids | S7 E7
Lauren Alessi joins her friend and mentor Angie Gonzalez to give families vital info on body image, weight loss fads and the dangerous cultural trends that lead to unhealthy coping patterns with food.
In this honest and practical episode, Stephanie Muiña and her sister-in-law Richelle Alessi share their experiences as young moms and describe how they are overcoming mom guilt.
What family issues are keeping you up at night? In this episode we shared our best answers to some tough audience questions about family relationships, parenting and marriage.
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Honest Responses to Your Toughest Family Questions | Ask The Alessis Q&A S7 E2
Are permissive parenting techniques creating a generation of insecure, entitled children? In this powerful opening episode of season 7, Steve and Mary Alessi discuss why a permissive mindset is so damaging to your child's future development.
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Perils of Permissive Parenting: How to Raise Your Kids on a Solid Foundation | S7 E1
Enjoy another sampler of wise words and funny moments from our Family Business vault, on topics ranging from mother / son relationships to modesty and family fights!
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More TFB Shorts! Mothers and Sons, Modesty and Other Family Matters
What a difference a year makes! In this touching and honest episode, Chris Alessi sits down with his father Steve Alessi to share the lessons he’s learned during his first year of being a father.
While we love making new memories with our families throughout the summer, we also love retelling the classic stories that are truly unforgettable. You've shared some of your favorites, so we're telling them in our TFB Summer Shorts!
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Summer Shorts! The Podience's Favorite Stories from the Family Business | S6 E36