Feeling pressured by modern culture? The Alessis share how biblical values helped them become successful parents, and why they're crucial for today's families.
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Family Case Study: How We Use Biblical Principles to Build a Strong Family | S6 E25
Can't we all just get along? Come explore the messy, yet beautiful, dynamics of family relationships with our mom, Dr. Faith Fredrick, as we learn approach family with a heart of gold and a willingness to resolve conflicts.
Noticing a culture clash in your home? The Alessis share their insights on setting a positive family culture to help you build lasting relationships, disciplined children, and strong marriages.
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House Rules: How to Set a Family Culture that Empowers and Protects Your Kids | S6 E19
The Family Business tackles the growing trend of young girls getting into makeup and skincare way too early due to the harmful influence of social media.
Mothers and sons share a special bond, but it’s also a delicate one. Steve and Mary Alessi sit down with their son Chris to share what they’ve done to find balance in their very different roles as parents.
Is teaching manners a lost art? Steve and Mary Alessi explain why we must teach our children acceptable social skills and model how to be considerate of others.
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Manners Still Matter! How to Tame Tantrums and Teach Kids to Respect Others | S6 E8
Do your kids know what’s truly valuable? There's one key truth that helps young boys become men of character. Steve Alessi and his son Chris help fathers teach their sons what really matters!
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What Do YOU Value? The One Powerful Truth Sons Need From Strong Fathers | S6 E6
Becoming a grandparent is an amazing blessing - but it also comes with new challenges. The Alessis share personal stories, advice, and insights that will empower you to navigate this exciting new season of life with confidence and grace.
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New Grandparent Confessions: How to Confidently Transition from Parenting to Grandparenting | S6 E5
Watching your parents grow older can be challenging, but with the right perspective it can be a beautiful season. The Alessis share honest stories and tips to help you care for and honor the people who raised you.
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How to Handle Seasons of Caring for Aging Parents | S6 E4
We open Season 6 by looking back at a momentous summer, looking forward to the upcoming season, and sharing how we keep our special family memories alive when the routines and challenges of family life try to steal them away!
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Back to Business! How to Treasure Your Special Family Memories All Year Long | S6 E1
Bonus takeover episode! Steve Alessi heads to City Hall to chat with the mayor of Doral, Christi Fraga, on her podcast In The City con Christi. You’ll discover how these two leaders work together to bless the families in the community they serve!
Is it ever too early to prepare for the holidays? The Alessis have got you covered with this Christmas in July encore episode! Learn how to plan ahead, avoid stress, and make your holidays joyful.
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Christmas in July! How to Plan a Stress-Free Holiday Before The Holidays (Best of Episode) | S5 E28
Who better to encourage moms than a mom who has seen it all? Mary Alessi welcomes her mother, Dr. Faith Fredrick, to the Family Business to share how moms can overcome their modern day struggles.
Martha Munizzi drops back into the podcast booth with her twin sister Mary Alessi for more "twin talk" on how to remain confident as you raise your kids in uncertain times.