What's more powerful - your painful past or the possibilities of your future? We welcome Steve Hage as he and Steve Alessi unearth the lessons they've learned during a 30 year friendship.
What's more powerful - your painful past or the possibilities of your future? We welcome Steve Hage as he and Steve Alessi unearth the lessons they've learned during a 30 year friendship.
What's more powerful - the pain of your past, or the possibilities of your future?
To get that answer, we're bringing you a special guest, who's been a dear friend of the Alessis for decades - Pastor Steve Hage.
In this thought-provoking episode, these two pastors and friends share insights on the importance of family support, character-driven choices, and overcoming your past pain to achieve growth. From honoring parents in every circumstance, to embracing continuous growth and serving, this enlightening conversation will provide you with valuable lessons for your personal and spiritual development.
Tune in now to discover the power of vision, healing from past pain, and the significance of true friends speaking into your life as you overcome adversity.
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Steve Hage [00:00:00]:
So you better have your family tight before the trouble comes because trouble's coming. Coming. But you better have the people that can speak life into your death before the death comes.
Steve Alessi [00:00:28]:
Hello, and welcome to another episode of the family business with the Alessis. I'm Steve Alessi, and I am here today with a man that is like family, and I think you're going to enjoy Our subject matter here with Steve Hage, a dear friend. How's it going? Steve to you. Yes. We're buds. I'm so glad that you're with us today. My honor. You and I have gone, Well, could go back a bit because we've known each other for shucks, man, like, 30 years or so.
Steve Hage [00:01:05]:
Yep. Probably 30. And, you know, it's fun when someone isn't just part of your history, but they're part of your destiny. It's always a nice thing.
Steve Alessi [00:01:14]:
Oh, man. They're gonna love what's gonna come out of this segment today. Before we get into everything, I just wanna remember, we've got the questions that we need you to respond to. And the question really is the segment is the are asking. So we're asking you questions, and we want your response to those questions. Get back to us. So, Hage, here here's what we have in our podcast. K? We talk about things that we don't talk about on Sunday, and the whole Alessi family or the the family business with the Alessis is all Around, business, or family is everybody's business.
Steve Alessi [00:01:52]:
Alright? Which more or less means that if we don't take care of our business with our family, Then we become the talk of the family, and everybody knows our business. Right? So that could be a best. Pretty clever. And, so You and I, friends, been through some, interesting times. I mean, you were there for us When we started, even before we started our ministry, our church, that now all of my kids Are involved in the whole family. Remember those early days? Because you were really influential.
Steve Hage [00:02:30]:
Yeah. I Certainly remember the genesis of when God moved on you to leave your father's house. Yeah. And the whole process of you leaving Yep. And All of that, which I'm not gonna get all into.
Steve Alessi [00:02:50]:
No. That's okay.
Steve Hage [00:02:52]:
That was pretty good. You were very instrumental in helping me navigate through that. And it was, A very courageous move on your part. And, you know, but I always say, you know, storms are sent or allowed by god when you've outgrown your current place. Yeah. And so we will not voluntarily Leave where we are until the storm forces us out. Yeah. And then if you would have ever dreamed That all of this was on the other side of that yes.
Steve Hage [00:03:28]:
It's so interesting how envision God very rarely ever shows you the middle. You know, he'll show you the beginning, and then you'll have a vision. Yeah. But the middle is the part that develops your life. Yeah.
Steve Alessi [00:03:43]:
Steve Hage [00:03:44]:
you know, I told our church on Sunday, I said, god's more Concerned about your character than he is about your harvest.
Steve Alessi [00:03:51]:
Yeah. Oof.
Steve Hage [00:03:52]:
Because how many people do you know have blown their harvest for a lack of character? Lack of character. But your choices come out of your character. Yeah. And so I remember when you launched, You had to access something more than what you saw Yeah. As I recall.
Steve Alessi [00:04:12]:
Steve Hage [00:04:12]:
Because there was some storming going on. Mhmm. And and that was god saying to you because you weren't able to hear Yeah. But you were able to feel. And you felt my season in this space at this level Is completed, and so now I'm gonna have to access courage Yeah. And do this other thing.
Steve Alessi [00:04:38]:
Steve Hage [00:04:38]:
And, And now, wow. Walking through the staff, your kids, your grandchildren, your Your sanctuary
Steve Alessi [00:04:50]:
Steve Hage [00:04:51]:
The spirit of the house, All of that Mhmm. Was on the other side of a yes that no one even knew about. No.
Steve Alessi [00:05:03]:
Yeah. You know, there's a, we're gonna hit the subject really of visions because this this year, it's about the year of vision, what we're able to see more Clearly what we're able to imagine. But and and a lot of what we will talk about here in the next couple of seconds is Really manifested in the long term vision. I can't even tell you that I saw all of this back when We made that move from my dad's place. But there was 2 things that stood out when I was trying to make this choice, and you happen to come into my world, my life, a few years before all of that happened. And it was out at vision conference with Casey Treat, and and I I wanna our audience to know That a lot of the stories that I tell, even from the pulpit today, you were in the background of many of those stories. Mhmm. So it's pretty interesting that so much of my life that I've led has had, with this season of ministry, has had your voice in the background, so it's cool that the audience could know that.
Steve Alessi [00:06:17]:
But I remember something that you said to me, And it was, man, when the pain of staying is greater than the pain of leaving, it's time to go. Yeah. And, people don't realize that what they're going through today that maybe even it's like a, it's a block. They can't even see the vision for their life. They're not even contemplating what tomorrow is gonna look like because they're so caught up in the day And the pain of the day and in this moment so they're like, man, a vision. Are you kidding? I I can I'm having a hard time getting past My anger towards my ex or I'm having a problem with my boss. You know? I'm having a problem making the bills pay my bills. How can I be thinking about a bigger house or a a nicer car or an education? I I'm struggling right here with this stuff.
Steve Alessi [00:07:11]:
So Remember the apostle Paul?
Steve Hage [00:07:13]:
I think it's in the book of Ephesians. He says something kinda crazy, which, you know, The apostle Paul says some crazy things. But he says, awake, oh sleeper, And rise from the dead, and the light of Christ is gonna shine on you. So here he's saying, you're asleep, you're dead, but you're awake and alive and able to hear. And then the light of Christ will shine on you, which means illumination. But the illumination is to his approval of you, his acceptance of you, his scheduled abundance for you, And you're part of his family. That's what the light shining on you. The light of Christ is all of those things.
Steve Hage [00:08:11]:
So what wakes you up and gets you up out of your spiritual coma and coffin Better than pain.
Steve Alessi [00:08:23]:
Mhmm. Yeah.
Steve Hage [00:08:24]:
Look. If you wanna wake Mary up in the morning, just take a Pen and stick it in her arm. She gonna wake up, man.
Steve Alessi [00:08:31]:
Yeah. Yeah.
Steve Hage [00:08:32]:
And so sometimes the pain
Steve Alessi [00:08:35]:
Steve Hage [00:08:37]:
That you were in in the genesis of Metro. The pain of staying, the pain of leaving is all pain. It was also that the light could shine. The favor, the approval, the acceptance, The abundance, the influence, all of that could shine on you because in your current Situation that you were in, all of that was in you in seed form.
Steve Alessi [00:09:08]:
Mhmm. Mhmm.
Steve Hage [00:09:10]:
But the Bible says, if what is in the inside of you doesn't die
Steve Alessi [00:09:15]:
Steve Hage [00:09:15]:
It stands alone. Yeah. So there was a seed or a god deposit on the inside of you that pain had to activate. And the pain was the death of the old so that you can experience the birth of the new. Mhmm. And those things don't happen simultaneously. No. So, and and, you know, I love it when Jesus said in the world, you're gonna have pain, you're gonna have trouble, but take courage.
Steve Hage [00:09:40]:
That's what you did. Yeah. You took courage. Like, I don't know what folks are facing. Right. But, You know? The difficulty comes when you've outgrown your current level. Mhmm. So you're living at this level, pastor.
Steve Hage [00:10:01]:
Folks are living at this level, and they're never going to incentivize themselves out of that level by themselves. So God's like, here comes a little storm.
Steve Alessi [00:10:09]:
Yeah. Yeah. That'll fix you.
Steve Hage [00:10:12]:
And so you had a storm, bud
Steve Alessi [00:10:14]:
Oh my god. As I recall.
Steve Hage [00:10:16]:
Yeah. Wow.
Steve Alessi [00:10:17]:
Yep. Yep.
Steve Hage [00:10:19]:
And how do you navigate that? And then look at you.
Steve Alessi [00:10:22]:
Hey. And and you know what? The storm wouldn't have been that bad, but it was my flesh and blood. Oh, no. The the worst challenge that I had was with somebody that I loved and I knew loved me. And but I've and I remember, alright. I gotta do this with my dad. I gotta move on because I never wanna stand before god and him say to me, hey. What did you do with what I put in your life? And me sit there and say, well,
Steve Hage [00:10:46]:
I couldn't do much because my daddy wouldn't let me. Yeah. My alibis are bigger than my dreams.
Steve Alessi [00:10:52]:
Mhmm. Actually, what brought you and I together, Even out at story. Tim story, buddy. But what connected us was our daddy issues. Oh,
Steve Hage [00:11:04]:
I know. Oh, gee. I
Steve Alessi [00:11:07]:
know. Way back when, we had daddy issues. You know? Is that crazy? We were grown men too, age. It was so. We were having kids. We were married. We had kids. But here's the We still had daddy issues.
Steve Hage [00:11:19]:
Here's the thing. If we don't pass that stuff to the cross. You pass it on to your kids.
Steve Alessi [00:11:24]:
Yeah. Oh, man.
Steve Hage [00:11:25]:
And that and that craziness has to stop with us. It had to stop with us.
Steve Alessi [00:11:31]:
Steve Hage [00:11:32]:
And I'm figuring out that it's not how we were raised. It's how we were raised up. You know, remember Colossians 3 says, if then you have been raised up with Christ. Stop looking at what is on the earth. Stop it.
Steve Alessi [00:11:52]:
Steve Hage [00:11:53]:
Stop thinking about what has happened to you horizontally on the earth. Like, our horizontal Needs to be a reflection of our vertical connection. So we have a vertical connection. We've been raised up. It doesn't matter How you were raised, it matters how you were raised up. Well, it takes a minute to figure that out, obviously. I'm still figuring it out at 66 years old. And But but, you know, the the deficiencies of our dads
Steve Alessi [00:12:26]:
Steve Hage [00:12:29]:
I always say I we weren't raised right. But, Danil, my wife, Corrected me. She said, no. You were raised perfect for the people God wants you to reach. Yeah. So look, I I and with all due respect, And I don't know what the boundary lines are, and you can edit this out if you want. But what you stepped out of to step into Metro was probably the Worst situation I've ever seen in my life, family situation. No.
Steve Hage [00:13:00]:
People don't know
Steve Alessi [00:13:01]:
that part of my life.
Steve Hage [00:13:01]:
Okay. The worst Yep. I've ever seen or heard and how you honored
Steve Alessi [00:13:09]:
Steve Hage [00:13:10]:
God honored your father and your how you did that? I mean, you took a victory vitamin or something, brother, because that and then on the other side of that Mhmm. Is this wonderful Two campuses. Yeah. Thousands of people.
Steve Alessi [00:13:27]:
Well, I always say honor gives you something that gifting and anointing can't give you. Yeah.
Steve Hage [00:13:33]:
Talk about that for a minute.
Steve Alessi [00:13:35]:
Yeah, brother. No. That's where that's why it was so conflicting because What I had to do and I I can't even say again that I saw all of this in my vision for the future. I didn't know god what god had. I just knew it It was different than where I was. And, because of some of the stuff that I was dealing with, you know, when you're when you're in a bit of And I wanna be very sensitive Yeah. Please. Because it is my my flesh and blood.
Steve Alessi [00:14:04]:
But when you're in the middle of Some dysfunction. Everything gets a bit hazy, and it's it's hard to see normal when you're surrounded by abnormal. And what we And abnormal is normal. Yeah. And that that's a sickness. But I I do remember, you know, sensing that later on, it hits me. You gotta be you gotta be away from that environment for for what I'm trying to bring you into because what's in that environment can't be on you in this new environment. And, I remember sitting there with the council, and the councilor saying to me, listen.
Steve Alessi [00:14:44]:
You're either going to do exactly what you saw modeled before you or you're gonna run In the complete opposite direction, which is what ultimately I ended up doing. And I then had to I had to recalibrate along the way because From here's what some people do. They the pendulum swings one way that is totally abnormal to then this other way, which is unrealistic To where you finally come down to what is a kind of a normal in the middle. So when when coming out of that dysfunction, I made decisions, And then my mindset was the total opposite that was unable really to connect with certain people and environments. And then I finally found my place in the middle Where I realized, okay. This is where life is good. This is where I can be myself. This is where life God wants to to use me.
Steve Alessi [00:15:33]:
And that then allowed me to start seeing what my future could be like. And so what we embrace around this culture Is, legacy. So one of the things that was very important to me was to this day is the long game. We're gonna pay the long game in life. So it's not about what happens just today. It's not about how I'm feeling right now. I just need to know that whatever I'm feeling, I gotta be careful doesn't Allow me to make a choice that's going to affect next month and next year and 10 years from now. So it's the long game
Steve Hage [00:16:05]:
that we play. So In the gospels, the Bible says that Jesus, when he has his day, will be like lightning when it flashes in the east, and you could see it in the west. And so everybody wants their day. They want that moment where Everybody's gotta deal with them. East to west, like, you gotta deal with Jesus. It says Jesus, when he has his day, everybody wants their day. Then the next verse says, but first. So you're not gonna have your day until you satisfy the but first.
Steve Hage [00:16:55]:
And what was the but first? But first, he must suffer many things and be rejected by his generation. And so in your case, as I recall, your middle coming back Into the middle was you drew a bigger circle that included those that rejected your pursuing God. After you became a success, you went back around and included the father That you were being rejected by, or witnessing the dysfunction It was trying to bleed in and bleed out into the legacy, and you refused to let that happen. Then when you became healthy and balanced, You went back and included him. I remember when you called me and said I honored my dad. I brought him back. Put them on the front row. Remember? Mhmm.
Steve Hage [00:17:56]:
And the butt first. So how do you know you're passing the test of rejection? The test of rejection is the final exam before the real promotion in the kingdom. How do you know you've passed it? You don't reject back. It's easy to reject those who reject And even in families. Oh, you don't like me? Well, I don't like you. I liked you 5 minutes ago, but now I found out you don't like me. And you know what? You're talking about me. I'm gonna talk about you.
Steve Hage [00:18:29]:
Let's go to Starbucks, sit around a table, and talk about the people that are talking about us, and blah blah blah. And that's what humans do. But but the but first is If you pass the test of rejection by not rejecting back and having enough Awareness of your vision that the potency of your vision exceeds the potency of the rejection. Mhmm. Mhmm. You draw a bigger circle, promotion. Yeah. That's what you did.
Steve Hage [00:19:01]:
I remember me going, you are doing what? Yeah. You're like, I have to honor. I have to honor. I would not be here. I'm not I'm gonna jump over what happened. I'll never forget because I thought you'd
Steve Alessi [00:19:18]:
Steve Hage [00:19:18]:
I thought that you were returning to, You know? The vomit. The vomit. I almost said that I wasn't gonna but thank you. Yeah. You're reading my mind. We should get married because you're finishing my sentences. But but, but, anyway, I can get this at home. I don't have to come on a podcast.
Steve Hage [00:19:38]:
But, anyway yeah. So you did that.
Steve Alessi [00:19:41]:
Steve Hage [00:19:42]:
And I I wondered about that, but It was the right thing. It's the it's like a value that and I don't that can only come from your heavenly father connection. Yeah.
Steve Alessi [00:19:54]:
I always say it this way, you know, because I think my mom taught me that. Wow. Oh my gosh. In the sense of just honoring the heart of God. You know, my my mom taught me how to love God. My dad taught me how to love the church. Mhmm. So it is as crazy as that was going through all of that.
Steve Alessi [00:20:10]:
Yeah. But, yeah, to me, that that whole aspect there, that that honor deal was was huge. And so When you come around, you you hear about it here with with us and the family and and the rewards of it on the other, you know, all these years later It's huge because I'm around to an atmosphere of honor, some that I don't even think I deserve, and I'm so grateful for it. So, you know, Sunday, we talk about Chris Stapleton. I just used one of his songs Sunday telling everybody, how much I appreciate them. Flashed Pictures of the entire church family on the screen because, you know, I'm the luckiest man alive by all of these people that are in our world today.
Steve Hage [00:20:51]:
This ain't Vegas, and this don't have nothing to do with luck. Yeah. With all due respect I'm with you. This is called harvest. And, you know, don't judge the harvest until you discern the seed. Mhmm. You know, everybody wants their day, but they don't want the butt first. And
Steve Alessi [00:21:13]:
Alright. Help me out with something, man. Go ahead. Because we both went through, hard hits. Okay? Mhmm. And, you know, you and I were on the phone. We're talking about it, and you know, mine was about 3 years before I finally realized, alright. I can I can see the future again? You joked.
Steve Alessi [00:21:33]:
You said yours was about a decade. 8 8 years. Let's not exaggerate.
Steve Hage [00:21:38]:
I exaggerated a little bit. It took me 8 years to get clear.
Steve Alessi [00:21:42]:
For real, though, because a lot of people can't see tomorrow because of the hurt of yesterday. And some of that's normal because Physically speaking, emotionally speaking, you gotta heal. So talk to somebody that can't even think about tomorrow because of the pain of yesterday.
Steve Hage [00:22:00]:
Well, I think pain is the healing feeling that it hurts so bad in your current space that you gotta do something to get out of it. Mhmm. And because we have the spirit of god on the inside of us and we have the mind of Christ and we have the body of Christ And we have the family of god. God has set the conditions for us to be exposed to, enough accurate information that if you'll calibrate to it, it will eventually Manifest by you hitting your sweet spot, and you don't even know how you got there.
Steve Alessi [00:22:50]:
Steve Hage [00:22:51]:
I think In all of our cases like, the Bible says brothers are born for adversity. They're not born in adversity. So you better have your family tight before the trouble comes because trouble's coming. Coming. But you better have the people that can speak life into your death Before the death comes, the death of that relationship, the death of your imagery, the The death of your, you know, imagination or what or or your what you thought it was gonna be. When imagery and reality don't match. There's that in between place called disappointment. And in that disappointment's a door called deception.
Steve Hage [00:23:45]:
Mhmm. So the devil doesn't have to deceive you. He just has to disappoint you, and then he'll deceive you into thinking That you're never gonna get out of it. The pain will never go away. And it's all because you imagined life this way, and the reality of it is this, and there's that in between. And you're living in there, and that's why you gotta stay connected. That's why you gotta stay committed. That's why, you know, Proverbs 181, he who separates himself Seeks his own way and rages against wisdom.
Steve Hage [00:24:20]:
Mhmm. Like like, when you're hurting is when The voice of your enemy, your adversary makes a suggestion that you should isolate. Listen. You're not gonna get out of your pain by yourself. Mhmm. Otherwise, the bible wouldn't say to us And the others, strengthen the hands that are weak and the needs that are feeble because there's sometimes you can't hang on, and there's sometimes you can't hold up. Mhmm. And if you don't have Metro in your life.
Steve Hage [00:24:52]:
If you don't have family in your life, and sometimes the church family's closer than your real family.
Steve Alessi [00:24:58]:
Crazy. Right?
Steve Hage [00:24:59]:
Well, I don't know. Yeah. I mean, Jesus said these are my families. He he told my mother, hey. Yeah. So so I just think that The way I got through is to be sitting at a smorgasbord of encouragement from my brothers and sisters in Christ and staying connected and contributing to the family of god. And the power of vision is stronger than the power of perishing. Mhmm.
Steve Hage [00:25:34]:
Without vision, the people perish. What's perish prevention? Vision. Vision sometimes has no indicators of hope. Yeah. You just gotta keep going.
Steve Alessi [00:25:45]:
Gotta keep
Steve Hage [00:25:46]:
Gotta keep growing, stay connected, Keep giving, keep serving, you know, and and putting a demand on the deposit that god has put in you. Even when you're not Feeling it. It doesn't leave. Mhmm. You know? So I think that's what I did. Mhmm. You know, remember I'm doing too much talking here, but No.
Steve Alessi [00:26:09]:
You're doing great.
Steve Hage [00:26:11]:
Remember when, I think it's in Luke 9 or something, Jesus is talking about exacting discipleship. Then Jesus is talking about exacting discipleship. And he he a guy goes up to Jesus and says, Hey, I'm gonna follow you. But first, let me Say goodbye to my father. Mhmm. Let me say goodbye to my father issues. Let me put distance between me and the way I was raised. Let me go say goodbye.
Steve Hage [00:26:45]:
Before I'm qualified for the gospel, Before I'm qualified to be a disciple, before I'm qualified to follow Jesus, I gotta wrap up some things in my past and my upbringing that I can't take with me according to my appraisal. And Jesus said, let the dead bury their own dead. Yeah. In other words, He wasn't inter interrupting a funeral procession saying drop the casket. He was saying, reposition yourself, and then he says this. This is crazy. He said, let the dead bury their own dead, the rest of that, And you go preach the gospel to everybody. In other words, he said, go preach your way out of this.
Steve Hage [00:27:29]:
Mhmm. You got father issues? Preach your way out of them. You got mother issues, upbringing issues, pedigree issues, pain pain of your past issues, Divorce issues, molestation, abortion, disappointment, bankruptcy, preach your way out of them. Mhmm. In other words, Preach the gospel at all times, and when necessary, use words. Like, live this thing Mhmm. And you will get healed. Don't try to go back and focus on what's wrong and fix it.
Steve Hage [00:28:04]:
Because listen. When you discover whose fault it is, when you locate blame and you find out it's not your fault, It's still your fight. Not your fault, your fight. And then how you gonna fight it? You fight it with preaching the gospel. Get outside of yourselves and tell others about how good God is. Mhmm. And wait Sight of yourselves and tell others about how good God is. And way one day, you'll wake up and you'll be like, it don't hurt no more.
Steve Hage [00:28:31]:
I'm not mad anymore. I'm not broke anymore. Yeah. I'm not suspicious anymore. Yeah. I'm not judgy anymore. I'm not beating myself up anymore. I'm not without self esteem anymore.
Steve Hage [00:28:46]:
How? I preached to other people how good God was, and it fixed me.
Steve Alessi [00:28:51]:
Steve Hage [00:28:51]:
That's what Jesus said to do.
Steve Alessi [00:28:53]:
Yeah. Jeez, age. Good stuff. Miss your wisdom. Oh, I know. I don't I'm
Steve Hage [00:29:01]:
I don't know about that.
Steve Alessi [00:29:02]:
That is that that is just powerful because if there's if this is interesting for me because if there's people that should be able to get over the past. It's us who, according to Our scriptures says that when we do come into this relationship with God, old things pass away. Behold, all things become New. So there's this constant renewal that takes place that we're supposed to have in our lives. So If we were hurt yesterday, that hurt should somehow get less and less or have less and less of an impact in our life as we start stacking up our todays and then our tomorrows. So good. Because we are supposed to be walking this Old out into something that's become new. Okay.
Steve Alessi [00:29:59]:
So watch this.
Steve Hage [00:30:01]:
So in that same cluster of scriptures in Luke 9, I I think it is. You'll have to look it up. But it says, Jesus goes to a guy and says, The 3rd guy, follow me. And the 1st guy said, let me go say goodbye to my dad. The sec the 3rd guy said, Let me go say goodbye to my family. Let me go say gay goodbye to those at home. Mhmm. Where the hurt is.
Steve Alessi [00:30:30]:
Steve Hage [00:30:31]:
Where the disappointment is, where the some people were born with a silver spoon, some people were born with a plastic spoon, But everybody's got their their cross to bear. And Jesus said, listen. If you put your hand on the plow and you look back, you don't fit the kingdom like a puzzle piece, or you don't have the fitness. He said, don't put your hand on the plow and look back or you're not fit for the kingdom of God. So why does God like envision to a plow? Once you put your hand on vision Yeah. And you go back and access your pedigree, He said, you're not gonna fit. It won't work.
Steve Alessi [00:31:19]:
Steve Hage [00:31:20]:
So why does he like envision to a plow? Because a plow by nature
Steve Alessi [00:31:27]:
Steve Hage [00:31:29]:
Locates rocks and roots That are prohibiting the seed to do what it's designed to do. Yeah. So how many of you know that, that A seed won't grow when it's accompanying the same space as a root of bitterness, a root of fear, A root of anger, a root of shame, a root of whatever, guilt, a root of resentment, you gotta remove the roots so God's word can do what it's supposed to do. Remember, even in the parable of the sower, Matthew 13, it says the roots At the subterranean level, we'll choke out what God's depositing in your life. So you gotta have a plow, which is vision,
Steve Alessi [00:32:12]:
Steve Hage [00:32:12]:
To plow that or a rock of offense, a rock of of regret, whatever rocks and roots are there, Your vision will go after those things. And then we freak out because it's flushing up what's prohibiting us from being who we're supposed to be. And Jesus said, stay on the plow.
Steve Alessi [00:32:33]:
Mhmm. Mhmm.
Steve Hage [00:32:34]:
Don't get off and go back. The only reason why we get off the plow of purpose and vision is because we romanticize What used to be and we think we were better loaded. We were better medicated. We were better drunk. We were better womanizing. Our lives are better. You're romanticizing what was taking you to hell, and you're making that better.
Steve Alessi [00:32:57]:
Steve Hage [00:32:58]:
You're making that better than the purpose that's on the inside of you that's removing painfully so Yep. What's prohibiting the purpose of God from having expression in your life? That's why Pastors are so important because they sharpen the blade of your plow So that when you hit a rock in a root, you the pulling power of Jesus will press you right through
Steve Alessi [00:33:30]:
Steve Hage [00:33:31]:
Your upbringing, your past, you've gotta stay connected to the your pastor. I'm telling you, without a pastor, you'll have a disaster. I'm not doing a commercial. I'm saying this is the way the kingdom works.
Steve Alessi [00:33:41]:
Yeah. Okay. Listen. Our time's up. Oh, it okay. But you are so excited right now. I love this because you look like my my grandson, Marina, go get in the tent. So here's what I wanna come back with.
Steve Alessi [00:33:52]:
Okay? We're done with this, this particular episode, but we're gonna go ahead and stay right here.
Steve Hage [00:33:56]:
Steve Alessi [00:33:57]:
We're gonna hit another one, and I want To talk about this. Okay?
Steve Hage [00:34:00]:
Steve Alessi [00:34:00]:
I want us to talk about you talk about the root. How about the root of offense? Oh. Because we live in a very Caustic, offensive. Everybody's offended, and we gotta figure out a way out of that. So listen. Come on back. We got another episode. We're gonna go ahead and stay right here And record.
Steve Alessi [00:34:18]:
Thank you for joining us today on this podcast, Family Business with the Alessis. Hope you were encouraged.
Chris Alessi [00:34:25]:
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Chris Alessi [00:35:05]:
Finally, while you're on our page, tap the reviews tab, and you'll see a link to leave a review on Apple Podcasts. We love Reading your reviews, and we might even share them on the show. Thanks again for joining us, And we'll see you next time at the Family Business with the Alessis because family is everybody's business.
Pastor / Speaker
Pastor Steve Hage has been happily married for 43 years to his wife Daniele. He has ministered in areas of youth ministry and evangelism, as well as speaking at churches, conferences, and to professional sports teams throughout the nation for the past 49 years. He has traveled globally spreading the message of Jesus and impacts thousands of people every year. Pastor Steve has a passion to help people understand and embrace the grace of God so that they can truly live in freedom. As a lead pastor, the father of three adult children and grandfather of five, he brings an impactful point of view about how to triumph as a Christian and how to live a life without limits. He is known around the nation for his life-changing, dynamic revelation of the Word of God. Pastor Steve is currently pastoring OC Summit Church in Laguna Niguel, California.